13 March 2007

Grimaldi Forum

This is the 5-year old Grimaldi Forum - a magnificent centre for exhibitions and conferences in Monaco. If you click on this link you can read all about it and go on various Virtual Tours. Grimaldi is of course the family name of Prince Albert of Monaco and you may like to know - those of you old enough to remember, that is - that in the film The Red Shoes, Norma Shearer threw herself off the cliff at exactly the spot that now houses this conference centre.


  1. It's great from the inside but I have to admit that its concrete-ness doesn't appeal to my sense of the aesthetic. I've never seen it from this angle...

  2. I've friends who live bang opposite and had to put up with endless noise over the years this was being built - and too right, masses of concrete. You are one up on me cos I've not yet seen it from the inside. One day, when I've less dogs....sigh...

    Jilly x

  3. I just took the virtual tour and it looks impressive inside - the views from the bar/cafe are worth your visit, Jilly. Just please, do not imbibe too much and follow in Norma's footsteps ;-)
