22 April 2007

A butterfly for Earth Day

This photo comes with apologies to Abraham (Brookville Daily Photo) who is the genius at photographing insects - and about everything else, come to that. This was taken with my simple Point and Shoot (that's right, Jilly, blame your tools) at the Princess Grace Memorial Garden and isn't as sharp as I'd like, but it seems apt for today - Earth Day. A fact I discovered, thanks to Isabella's wonderful Naples Daily Photo blog.

Many thanks indeed to Abraham, Alice and Isabella for help with the new format on this blog.


  1. Is it me, or do the leaves here look like haricots verts ;-)

    PS Hope your candidate wins today, whoever she or he might be!

  2. It's rosemary, Isabella but I agree it looks like green beans!

    No candidate in Monaco. French elections today.

  3. That works beautifully, Jilly, and I didn't know it was Earth Day either.

  4. Rosmeary? Wow! I love rosemary!

  5. Happy belated Earth Day.

    I haven't done much nature photography. I think I will try to find some animals to shoot (with a camera) soon.
