This cow, a piece of art on which to sit, hence its title 'Meuuuble' (Meuble being French for a piece of furniture and uuu being French, presumably, for moo - geddit?!) It's made of white bronze and sculpted by Stéphane Cipre, after a photo by Guillaume Barclay. This sits in the lobby of the Columbia Palace, an apartment building on Avenue Princesse Grace, facing the sea.
This talented Nice artist created another cow outside Stars 'n' Bars, which you can see at this link.
This talented Nice artist created another cow outside Stars 'n' Bars, which you can see at this link.

Clever piece of art. I like it.
My daughter, Melinda, has a picture she took on my blog. It is a stunning macro.
Brookville Daily Photo
This is a interesting piece of art.
An unusual but attractive piece of art!!
Now that's something that you don't see every day :D
...That's an apartment building? Looks like a nice upscale place to live.
I enjoy a talented artist with a sense of humor. Looks like the cow's head is adjustable...in case you need to mooooove over.
Clever, fun, great play on words from the artist, and the head is beautiful - very much a hindu cow's head, not a French cow...
Very nice and original cow.. Nice shot! ^^
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