21 November 2007

A night out in Monte Carlo - 6

We've had our champers and nibbly-bits in the American Bar, the ladies visited the loo, now we go to Le Grill for dinner. We cross that beautiful lobby and take a lift that goes only to the restaurant on the 8th floor. I couldn't take photographs in the restaurant but I can tell you it's decorated in dark blue - tables are wide apart - and it was full of The Beautiful People. There is a central roof that opens to the sky - in fact, the roof was opened whilst we were dining, but the edges of the Mistral were hitting Monaco, and the wind whipped the tablecloths, so it was quickly closed again. The views from Le Grill over Casino Square are wonderful but all the doors to the terraces were closed and whilst I did take one photograph through the windows, it's not good enough as the flash caught the glass.

Le Grill has one Michelin star. The waiter almost apologised that they didn't have more. The Louis XV downstairs has three. I've only ever eaten in two Michelin one-star restaurants in my life and this is the second, so I wasn't complaining and I'm glad my menu didn't show the prices. My companion told me I could have anything except the caviare from Iran. We had poached eggs with white truffles to begin - the freshest eggs imaginable and perfectly cooked (I think they must keep chickens in the basement along with all that amazing brandy) - then I had a grilled sole with steamed vegetables and my companion had Lobster Thermidor. We drank a bottle of Le Bellet, which is a really good Côte de Provence from the Nice region. It's the oldest wine of the area and has a faintly floral fragrance much sought-after by connoisseurs (I copied this from the Internet!) - it was good tho and very different to the usual Provence wines that I often drink.

And look how good I was! I hid one of the chocolates, that came with coffee, in my bag so I could photograph it for you on my terrace table.

Tomorrow will be the last day of our Night out in Monte Carlo, when we leave the Hôtel de Paris and take a look at the Casino by night.


  1. Those appear to be quite the fancy chocolates. Glad the night out was lots of fun.

    Thanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog and for the wonderful comments.

  2. What? No cavier?!?! :-)

    I don't believe I've ever eaten at a restaurant with any Michelin stars. :-(

    Love your description of the menu.

  3. I know I've never eaten at a restaurant with even half a Michelin star! :)

    Humph! These people with their fancy restaurants who won't allow our Jilly to take photographs! However will the rest of us know how fabulous their restaurant and their food and their chocolates are? :-S

  4. You know, Jilly, I get the feeling that you fit right in with those beautiful people. And I mean that in a good way. :)
    What wonderful descriptions. Thanks for all your work and creativity that make it all seem real for us.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Ooooh, you are one of those women that steal the butters, bread and chocolates? Lol!
    Those eggs with truffles sounds delish! I would trade that turkey I had tonight with your apetizer anytime. (chuuuut!!)

  6. My oh my - sounds like a very pleasant evening you had there Jilly. The grilled sole sounds delicious.
