02 December 2007

Kermesse - Prince Albert of Monaco

Each December, a Kermesse (charity bazaar) is held in the circus tent in Fontvieille. In aid of Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Paul's Anglican Church, the Reform Church of Monaco, the British Association of Monaco, the Spanish community and the Greek Orthodox community, it's always a social occasion, particularly for the British community in Monaco. The circus tent is filled with stands selling old clothes (often designer clothes and you'd better believe it for 5 euros) - gifts for Christmas, English food for those that miss home, English books, French books - and later - lunch. We all stop for lunch (great food) and take over the tables that fill the centre of the tent.

Prince Albert visited every stall, spoke to all the participants, posed for endless photographs and then sat down and had lunch. Come back tomorrow and I'll show you what he ate and after that we'll take a look around the Kermesse - see what's for sale and meet a few people.

Yesterday was World Aids Day and you'll see Prince Albert is wearing the badge. His sister, Princess Stephanie, is President of Fight AIDS Monaco.


  1. A handsome young man he is. I knew his mother when she was famous over here.

    I think it is marvelous that he took the time to visit the stalls and speak to everyone.

    I wanted to describe the White Porcelain Duck I photographed this morning. I did put a picture of it on my Birds Blog as it is a new species I think.

  2. Ah, yes! These royals have such a strenuous time earning a living! He's attained some notoriety lately re. children, hasn't he? His mother certainly was an elegant actor!

  3. Gee, he IS a prince of a fellow.

  4. Wow, nice shot of Prince Albert. Although he looks nothing like the man whose face adorned the cans of my Grandfather's favorite pipe tobacco. Meanwhile, he really does sound like a great guy. I am looking forward to seeing more of the Kermesse!

  5. He has aged a lot since I last saw him (well on TV, that is) partying it up with the supermodels in NYC and LA.

  6. I bet you feel priveleged to have taken part in all of this. I wonder, is Prince Albert normally this accessible?

    from South Shields Daily Photo
