28 February 2008

Expo Ecofuturiste: Violata Pax Dove - Nall

This sculpture of a dove by the American artist, Nall, weighs 800 kilos. You can probably see the great size of this sculpture in relation to the beautiful old tree in the Casino Gardens.

Nall is a prolific and incredibly talented artist from Alabama, who lives in Vence. Do click on the link above to take a look at some of his work. Nall was one of Salvador Dali's disciples and the Violata Pax Dove is a motive he often uses in his work.


  1. Incredible bird. It looks huge and real. MB

  2. The photo makes it seem that there are even feathers on the dove. I'm on my way now to check out the artist. Thanks for the link!

  3. That's quite a menacing looking dove! It doesn't exactly inspire peaceful thoughts in me (but if that's the intention, then I should think a bird of that size could certainly enforce peace).

  4. I'm glad I clicked on the link, how interesting.

    Would agree with Zuleika though, I find the dove quite menacing, if only because of its size!

  5. Just like Nathalie, it's just as well I clicked on Nall's site because the dove looks a bit clumsy to me but his work is incredible - I like his new works best but one can clearly see Dali's influence in some of his work, particularly the Alchemy series. Thanks for this Jilly - the research you do for your posts is so inspiring.

  6. Anonymous04 June, 2008

    The work is an extension of his series entitled 'Violata Pax,' or 'wounded peace'. The original bronze sculpture rested outside of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi with the right side facing away from the church. Upon entering, one might reflect on the sense of 'wounded peace' which powerfully misguides the moral compass of the modern world. Upon exiting the church, however, one would see the left side of the bird (not clearly visible within the photograph) which appears in full and unaffected form. Drawing peace from the spirit of Christ, one exits the church with a sense of renewed serenity as the new vision of the dove is one of calmness, clarity and spiritual reformation.
