28 March 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 3

The tulips drew me to the Casino gardens yesterday but things pretty soon got more interesting. These two guys asked if I'd take their photograph in front of the casino. They've got to be Italian, haven't they? And of course they are. They're from Bologna. Lucky Bologna ladies is what I say.

And yes, this was much more fun than photographing tulips!


  1. They had to be Italian!! Funny hox you can deduct people's nationality by the way they look, behave... even smile. And it has to do with much more than the ethnic group they belong to.

  2. Jilly, you've got a good eye!!

  3. Should we move to Bologna, Jilly?

  4. Handsome handsome.....lucky you!

  5. I agree...Lucky Jilly!! And a great photo too, of course...

  6. I wish I spoke Italian. I'm sure that you were able to communicate with them well enough - you got some great smiles out of them!

  7. Love it!

    I'm going out looking for Italian women today, lol.

  8. The fellow on the left is the spitting image of a friend of ours who is French! His name is Jean-Pierre. You must have the gift of persuasion Jilly, judging by those smiles at you.

  9. Oooh, la la! (No, wait! That's French. . . )

    Nice shot.

  10. Anonymous08 July, 2010

    Are they free???? No, just kidding :) I love your work.
