11 May 2008

Grand Prix Historique - Race Day - 1

Come with me to the 6th Historique Grand Prix in Monaco. I've not been before and can tell you I am now a petrol head! Just had THE best day - but now I want to share it with you.

We've been invited to lunch (thankyou, dear Jenny) and we are on the balcony of an 11th floor apartment overlooking the Start/Finish line, sipping pink champagne - what else? All these photos are taken from that balcony.

In the first photo, we see a 1935 C-Type Auto Union. Notice how little car there is in front of the driver compared to others on this collage. This is probably the rarest car of the day and I have Charlie to thank for that information. Charlie is the designer of interiors for Rolls Royce and the nicest man you hope to meet and of course, for me, a fountain of knowledge on all things to do with vintage cars.

In the second photo you see a couple of cars in a different category - perhaps a Ferrari? Sure someone will tell me. These cars were MUCH noisier...

In the third, we are leaning over the balcony - watch out, mind you don't fall (remember we are 11 floors up). Look down and we see the cars who took the first, second and third places in one of the races. The presentation is just below us but I'll show you more of that another day.

In the fourth photo - well, you see the view over the port - part of the track, one of the stands facing the famous swimming pool - which by the way, I hear is going to be moved to a new complex to be built near to the yacht club. Progress. Oh dear.

Come back for more of the day. For the moment though, let's go into the apartment where a delicious lunch awaits us.


  1. Great photos Jilly, sounds like you had a great time.

  2. I AM JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually I am not sure I could stand the noise - just been watching the race in Istanbul and I sneaked out to check my email in the middle of it. I suspect this race with historic cars was probably more interesting.

  3. Gerald, The old cars made a wonderful sound but when there was a race with more modern cars (for example several of Schumacher's Ferraris were in one race) - the noise was horrendous - so I agree. I'm not sure I'd cope with a normal Grand Prix but yes, this was fabulous. And it went on ALL day, race after race, parade after parade.

  4. Seems you had a great day,I love the pics.

  5. Vrrroooooom!!! C'est parti!! I still like the vintage cars the best. I think you had the best seats.

  6. Anonymous12 May, 2008

    Great images - One day I will have to be there for the Grand Prix.

  7. Eliane is in right. You are in the best position thee !!! (In second photo they seem Ferrari to me as well)

  8. I'm with Gerald on the noise. Viewed at a safe distance these are impresseive. Really get the drama of the event.

  9. You must have had a great day!You had the perfect spot.
    I like this idea of an Historic Grand Prix,I found the old cars much more beautiful...but what do I know about cars!!!

  10. Those are some great photos. Lucky you.
