24 May 2008

Monaco Grand Prix - a Brag!

A Monte Carlo Daily Photo (see above) appears today in the International Herald Tribune, the global edition of the New York Times. Guess who is dead chuffed!

There are several pages of articles on the 'Glamour and dazzle at the Monaco Grand Prix' by Brad Spurgeon. In particular, there is a fascinating article by Joe Seward, on the first man ever to win the Monaco Grand Prix, one William Grover, who was an undercover agent during World War Two. Click on the link to see a different photo of this sculpture, when it was first posted on Monte Carlo DP.

This sculpture stands near to the church of St. Devote in the centre of a small roundabout - it's removed each year as it's part of the Grand Prix track.

I did request that the International Herald Tribune credit the photo to Monte Carlo Daily Photo but unfortunately they just put my name. How did it happen? I had an email from the Int. Herald Tribune in Paris asking if the photograph they'd seen on Monte Carlo DP was in fact mine and would I give permission to use it. They also asked if I had a version with higher definition. I didn't but said I'd go into Monaco to take more. Off I went only to find that the sculpture had been moved for the Grand Prix. No matter - they said the photos I'd sent (only 1600 x 1200) would be fine.

(Internet & phone still down. Hopefully up by Wednesday. Am posting from a cyber cafe - very sorry but can't comment for the moment but thank you so much for your comments. Will catch up as soon as poss).


  1. Facinating article. Grand Prix weekend. Thanks for keeping us up to date. MB

  2. I'm impressed with your scoop! How did you manage to get your photo in the paper?

  3. Congrats, and a nice picture.

  4. Congratulations to you, Dear Jilly! Do dish and let us know how you got the photo!

  5. Congratulations! You are probably fortunate they used your name!

  6. That's fantastic, Jilly! They may use you as a source more and more now. And rambling round is probably right - if you get too many hits on a "blogspot" blog account, I think they want you to buy the paid type of blog to support the action. Better check with the Blogger FAQs.

  7. The newspaper emailed me, had seen the photo on Monte Carlo DP and then asked permission to use it. They asked if I had a higher definition version (which I didn't) so I went in to re-take the photo but the sculpture has been moved for Grand Prix so they used what I had and said it would be OK and it did comne out alright

    Excuse typos - I'm sitting on track below my house, near my neighbour's gate and using her Wifi, which I can just pick up - she's stillasleep - early Sunday morning. I have her permission,of course. Thanks so mujch everyone for comments.

  8. Anonymous25 May, 2008

    Well done getting your picture published - great stuff!

  9. Anonymous25 May, 2008

    Congratulations. I smiled all the way through the post.

  10. Congrats Jilly, I am happy for you. You deserve this recognition.

  11. G-r-e-a-t scoop Jilly !!!! -- I'm really happy for you and, as r.round said, it's a fortune they published your name ;-)

  12. Awesome, awesome and well deserved!!
