30 September 2008

Monstera Deliciosa

Peer into the depths of a Monstera Deliciosa (see small photo) in the Casino Gardens, and what do you find?

I remember this plant when I lived in Cairns in Queensland, Australia. It climbed way up into the trees and produced edible fruit. I doubt the fruit is edible in Monte Carlo.

29 September 2008

Do and don't

Even the signs in Monaco - telling you what you can and can't do - are attractive. This one is in the Casino Gardens.

28 September 2008

Red letter day?

Despite two ' wet paint' signs, I saw people posting their letters in this box. Red letters?

27 September 2008


Surely grandfather and grandson at the duck pond in the Casino Gardens. I wish you could have seen the utter pleasure on the man's face - so proud was he of his grandson, he couldn't stop grinning. And he watched over him as if he were solid gold, which of course he is.

26 September 2008

What Financial Crisis? - Hyperion

Notice the Rolls Royce has no number plate. It's a one-off custom built car derived from the Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé.

Sadly, the chairman and CEO of the design company, Andrea Pininfarinia, died just before it was unveiled at the Concours d'Elegance in Pebble Beach and Mr. Roland Hall, the owner and commissioning client, has dedicated the car to him.

Hyperion was one of the Titans in Greek mythology.

The car stands outside the Hôtel de Paris in Casino Square - you can read more and see more photographs by clicking on THIS LINK.

25 September 2008

What Financial Crisis? - the Yachts

Recession? Did President Bush say 'recession?'

In Port Hercule you'll find the 18th Monaco Yacht Show Les yachts 'bling-bling' as Nice-Matin calls them.

Yachts include two of Roman Abramovitch's 4 yachts: Le Pelorus (115 metres) and Le Grand Blue (113 m). He's apparently having a fifth yacht built which will measure 170 metres.

You'll also find the following yachts in the port or moored out at sea: The Golden Star owned by the Sheik of Dubai, the Sultan of Saudi Arabia's Le Al Salamah, Larry Ellison's The Rising Sun, Paul Allen's (Microsoft) Octopus. Atlantis II, always in port, belongs to the Niarchos Greek shipping family.

There's also an amazing yacht called the 'A' which belongs to another Russian billionaire, Andrei Melnichenko and named after his catwalk model wife, Aleksandra. It's attracted a lot of attention. It cost £200 million. Click on the link - it's an extraordinary looking creation built by the German company that constructed the battleship, Bismarck, the Pride of the Nazi fleet.

If there is a recession looming, you'd not know it in Monaco this morning - although I'd not be surprised if some of those yacht brokers aren't a little worried...

24 September 2008


An empty frame on a wall on the Boulevard du Jardin Exotique.

I wonder what it was once used for?

23 September 2008

The Doormen

A couple of doormen outside the prestigious Hôtel de Paris in Casino Square. They stand to the left of the main entrance, level with the top step. You can better see where, by clicking on THIS LINK.

22 September 2008

Sore Feet

A low wall in the Casino Gardens near to the police station and underground car park.

Her feet are sore. Those sandals are chaffing. He's taking her mind off it.

Ain't love grand...

21 September 2008

Enough Already!

A bench in Casino Gardens. Multi-coloured fatigue.

Not as sharp a picture as it should be but I think my camera was tired too...

20 September 2008

Monaco Red Cross

This sculpture stands in the grounds of the Croix Rouge Monaco - the Monaco Red Cross. There's no indication of the name of the sculptor or the name of the piece. Presumably - a nurse and child.

19 September 2008

Cicada Lane

A stone wall, tumbling jasmine and a carved marble street sign. Cigale is French for cicada, by the way - the sound of summer.

See another type of jasmine on Menton Daily Photo today.

18 September 2008

Connecting People

Put the phone down, Mister, and connect with the lady in front of you!

17 September 2008

The Video

The other day we saw a young girl taking her self-portrait. Today we've advanced to a video.

He places the camera on the plinth. She poses whilst he sets the self-timer and focuses. He runs across and stands with her. Then it's back to the camera to make sure it has worked.

It has.

The sculpture is by Sophia Vari - you can see another and read more about this artist by clicking on the link.

16 September 2008


Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows.

John Betjeman

A fountain in the Casino Gardens.

15 September 2008

Monte Carlo Gentlemen - 9

Whilst Monsieur Benaut was snapping ladies the other day, I snapped this gentleman. I hadn't realised his face would be lit from underneath - from the bar. Do you like it or not?

He and the gentleman next to him - so deep in thought, aren't they? - their faces almost blank. Wonder what they are thinking as they sit at this lunch counter at the Metropole Centre?

14 September 2008

The Self Portrait

Alone in the Casino Gardens in Monte Carlo - no one to take your photograph?

First choose your position. Prepare the camera (see smaller photo). Walk quickly to position and SMILE FOR THE CAMERA....

13 September 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 22

Readers of Menton Daily Photo will know that the Benauts from Adelaide Daily Photo have been staying with me in Gorbio - and what a delight they are. Yesterday, we spent the day exploring Monaco - and surprise, surprise, M. Benaut found an endless supply of gorgeous Monte Carlo ladies to photograph - this is one of his photographs - thankyou, Monsieur Benaut: Guest Photographer.

Madame Benaut, on the other hand, was noticed going in and out of some rather nice shops.

We lunched in the restaurant on the lower level of the luxurious Metropole shopping centre. This photograph shows two Monte Carlo Ladies chatting on one of the levels above us. In fact, these are just two of an ever-changing series of ladies who appeared to be on a non-stop cigarette break from the shops they work in.

Monsieur Benaut and I have the same camera - a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18. It's that long zoom that allows photos like this. It's been educational and inspiring for both of us to compare shots, discuss settings and so on.

Today they left for Sestri Levante on the Ligurian coast of Italy and already the house is empty without their energy and enthusiam and kindness.

12 September 2008

Dressed in Green

It doesn't take much to make a fairly plain building interesting - a Virginia creeper on the walls and the obligatory washing hanging over the balcony. This block of apartments is in Beausoleil, a stone's throw from Monaco.

11 September 2008


Maxim's, the legendary Paris restaurant had a branch in Monaco. Now it's closed. Gone. Peer in and all you see is the reflection from across the street. No more beautiful Art Nouveau interior, wondrous food, perfect waiters. I was lucky enough to eat here one evening and was surprised there were so few guests. A few tables of couples. A large table filled with exotic and noisy Russian 'ladies of the night.'

If you click on the link - then on 'restaurants' - you'll find that if you move your mouse over Monte Carlo there is no address or phone number.


10 September 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 21

A beautiful lady, with a demure smile, crosses the Casino gardens.

09 September 2008


A yellow Lantana brightens a rather plain modern building not far from the main post office in Monaco. Lantana is often used in public gardens in the south of France but I believe in parts of Australia, it's considered too invasive and is a noxious weed. I find the so-called 'common' or 'wild' lantana ( two or three colours within one plant) is somewhat rampant but the single colour varieties, like this, are manageable - indeed rather nice.

08 September 2008

The Terrace of Stars 'n' Bars

The terrace of the trendy American sports bar Stars 'n' Bars on the port of Monaco. Shade from the midday sun - a wonderful view over the harbour. If you are an American in Monaco and need a hamburger fix, this is the place to go. Personally, I recommend the Eggs Benedict - they come with great chips (French fries in America) too.

07 September 2008

Monte Carlo Gentleman - 8

Walk through the beautiful Casino gardens. Find a bench. Read a newspaper. I couldn't resist photographing this good looking guy.

06 September 2008

Fashion Statement?

A rebel in the making? - or a fashionista to be? This little girl was crossing Boulevard Albert 1er - the main road by Port Hercule.

'Fortune befriends the bold' - Emily Dickinson

05 September 2008

A House with a View

Monaco has so many beautiful houses - not just the blocks of apartments we see in the postcards. This house, on Boulevard du Jardin Exotique, has wonderful views - from the left, it looks down on the Church of Saint Devote - and ahead and to the right is the Port Hercule. You can see a little more detail in the smaller photograph.

A friend told me that Radio Monte Carlo used to occupy this building. I really don't know who owns it now. It would seem building work is going on. Someone reading this may know?

04 September 2008

The Chess Board Car?

Not all cars in Monaco are Ferraris or Rollers - here's a Mini (I think) - I'm not quite sure what the squares on the roof are all about though. Looks a bit like something I see on racetracks - or perhaps if the owner gets bored he climbs onto the roof and plays chess?

I'm sure someone will tell me.

This is for you - Gail's Man at Nottingham Daily Photo - who always welcomes car pics on this blog. Sorry it's not from British Motors yesterday - but yes, come to think of it, this is a British car, isn't it?

It's parked outside the Metropole Centre, the owner chatting on the phone - although you can barely see that.

03 September 2008

British Motors

When your Jaguar needs a service, this is where you go. And other British cars too, of course. You'll find it in Boulevard Princesse Charlotte.

Princess Charlotte was the mother of Prince Rainier and therefore the grandmother of Prince Albert. Prince Albert's sister, Princess Caroline, named her daughter, Charlotte Casiraghi, in her memory. You can read about Charlotte Casiraghi on her My Space profile. It seems even princesses have a My Space page. Charlotte is a beautiful young lady - hardly suprising with her genes - and a very talented horsewoman.

02 September 2008

The Hat

September but still very much summer here. No rain for months - don't tell the visitors but we need it for our gardens. Of course when it eventually arrives and doesn't stop, then we'll complain again.

We are in the Casino gardens. He's reading the Financial Times. The lady - no longer young - dresses smartly, conservatively even as befits her age - but don't you just adore the hat? Go girl...

01 September 2008

Theme Day: Sister Cities

Monte Carlo doesn't have a sister city - but it does have a piece of another city within the Principality. Outside the new railway station is this large piece of the Berlin Wall depicting the dove of peace. You see this moving piece of history, behind glass, below.

There are 148 City Daily Photo bloggers from all around the world taking part in today's theme. Why not pay some of them a visit and view their sister city or see how they have interpreted the subject.