03 September 2008

British Motors

When your Jaguar needs a service, this is where you go. And other British cars too, of course. You'll find it in Boulevard Princesse Charlotte.

Princess Charlotte was the mother of Prince Rainier and therefore the grandmother of Prince Albert. Prince Albert's sister, Princess Caroline, named her daughter, Charlotte Casiraghi, in her memory. You can read about Charlotte Casiraghi on her My Space profile. It seems even princesses have a My Space page. Charlotte is a beautiful young lady - hardly suprising with her genes - and a very talented horsewoman.


  1. Looks like the mascot could do with a polish. Will we get to see some of the cars there tomorrow?

  2. Who knew she had a my space page? Wow!

    Cool pic as always,Jilly.

  3. Anyone younger than me has a my space page. Such an iconic image. Coming from the Midlands this is one of those photos that sends a wave of noslgia through me of the long lost car industry.

  4. Of course she isn't the owner of the page. Somebody built it and in fact her "about" is written a bit in first person and a bit in third ""Although I hold no title, she is fourth in line to the throne of Monaco.""

    Then I am pretty sure she isn't on myspace for ""...serious relationship..."" I'm afraid she doesn't need myspace for ;-)

  5. Yeah, that is certainly not her own myspace page - If you do a search she's likely got about 50 pages on myspace! She does have a facebook page though but it is set to private & only viewable to her friends.
