05 September 2008

A House with a View

Monaco has so many beautiful houses - not just the blocks of apartments we see in the postcards. This house, on Boulevard du Jardin Exotique, has wonderful views - from the left, it looks down on the Church of Saint Devote - and ahead and to the right is the Port Hercule. You can see a little more detail in the smaller photograph.

A friend told me that Radio Monte Carlo used to occupy this building. I really don't know who owns it now. It would seem building work is going on. Someone reading this may know?


  1. LOVE IT when you show us the fabulous detail work on these gorgeous buildings. this one is grand. Today I am serving vin on my blog. Red or white???

  2. Thanks for a peek into the lives of how the other half lives..

  3. It's a very nice house with a spectacular view. I wouldn't mind living there!

  4. Thats some view.

  5. Rue du jardin exotique... now that is a street name that lets everyone know its special.

    WOW! Beautiful.

  6. I wish I could visit!

  7. What a perfect little jewel box of a house! My new imaginary setting for "getting away from it all" fantasies.

  8. A great entry for the Sky Watch Friday slot. I bet the building is worth millions, especially with that view.

  9. It has such beautiful detail and is so much prettier than the appertment blocks further down.

  10. Al Mirqab in Background. Very Nice.

