10 September 2008

Monte Carlo Ladies - 21

A beautiful lady, with a demure smile, crosses the Casino gardens.


  1. She's been out shoppping!

    (from a photographic point of view, I wish the tip of her toes weren't cropped)

  2. Nathalie

    You are right. I often wait till the person is as near to me as possible but this time I slightly misjudged it. I should have mentioned it in the text actually. Mea culpa. I nearly didn't use it cos of the crop but decided I would.

  3. She looks like she just recognized someone.

    Do you ask people if you can take their photos or do you just do it incognito?

  4. I like that top she's wearing, I want one :)

  5. I wonder what's in her bag? Gosh, I'm nosy!

  6. I like the pattern of her top too. I won't discuss the skirt, that would be mean. ;)

  7. Jilly,
    If you will indulge me to allow me to post this little promotional announcement, I think that you are both a people watcher and an animal lover, so you might enjoy the photo that I posted today (Sept. 10, I know it is already Sept 11 where you are). It is a teenager from France sitting on the floor of a hotel lobby with a furry companion that I venture a guess you do not have in any hotel in Monte Carlo.
