He belongs to the owner of the Chèvre d'Or and I love that even though it's a Michelin-starred restaurant no one has barred him. For me, one of the joys of France is that animals are accepted as part of the family and allowed in the majority of restaurants.
(Looking at the photographs closely I wonder if there aren't two cats! In the first photograph, he appears to have a sore over one eye, not so in the smaller pic)
For a kitchen cat, he does not look too well-fed. :)
He is the lucky one..
he can take a nap right there after such a great meal!!
A very lucky cat to get left-overs in this exclusive restaurant!!
Well fed and pampered! Although I am allergic to cats, I enjoy scratching them behind the ears and to be friendly with them.
Can't resist a cat photo. There are a few cats in stores around but never seen one in a restaurant. The health department would nix that idea pretty quickly!
I'll have to tell Melissa about the begging cat there! And while I'm here I might as well have just one more profiterole. Merci!
Halcyon, apparently French cats "don't get fat" either-ha
Nothing like a cat stretched out like that. Ah! I think it is the same cat from comparing its markings...?
Florida passed a law allowing pes in restaurants but no one that I know of has allowed it. Maybe Miami Beach?
Cute kitty! Hope he got some treats from you and the other guests at the restaurant.
He reminds me of my Max...10 lbs lighter! :)
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