And afterwards - an espresso.
Thanks to my friend Casper for such a wonderful lunch. Casper and his wife are two of my best friends - I've known them for more years than I want to say. They are part of my 'south of France family' and each year Casper takes me to a restaurant of my choice for my birthday and then I take him out for his. Sadly, Philippa has massive health problems and lives in London now, near to her doctors. Casper spends part of the year in Monaco and so, when he's here, it's birthday time - even if it isn't. And thanks to this blog, birthday lunches or dinners now take place in grander and grander restaurants - for the photographs, of course! What is fabulous for me is that Casper, who hasn't a clue about photography, computers and even hates telephones, goes along with it all, even pointing out something I should be photographing. I adore him. Casper is Norwegian which probably explains a lot. I've never yet met a Norwegian who doesn't have an enduring love of life and a childlike wonder in everything.
Tomorrow - who else was at the Chèvre d'or?
Now I'm officially hungry! Of, Jilly...
simply decadent and wonderful. i will have one with a double espresso shot and a GM straight up. it is good to go to lunches like this.
Yum! They look scrumtious. Can't wait to see who else was at the Chevre d'Or. You blog is like a serial TV program these days. I can't wait to tune in tomorrow! :)
Well finally something I know about! I watch Ina Garten's Barefoot Contessa show on the Food Network faithfully and she comes to Paris often. She made profiteroles on her show! I will have some in Paris but don't know if I can wait that long! Your photographs fo the food are remarkable.
This IS really a Grand way of spending a Birthday!! and in the company of a good friend what could be better!!
Dessert looks wonderful. In fact, since it's breakfast time as I'm reading this, I think I could have that for breakfast!
H-m-m while it looks divine this looks like a light lunch?? doesn't it??? perhaaps it was more substantial in tummy than in pics although all of it was divine! haaahaaa!! just kidding of course! however, a little excerpt as to what kind of other things are on the menu would be delightful to know!!!
These look divine and for someone whom may not know much about photography bravo for a job well done!! The foods of other nations are so facinating that it makes it an irresistable treat to pass this blogs up!!
Simply delightful! It's like Wayne Thiebaud art, only better. 8^)
Delicious! When food becomes art, or is it the other way around? This sounds like a grand lunch; spiced meatballs, goat cheese, wine, ice cream profiterols , and espresso; now I'm hungry!
Yum! How I wish, I could pick them out of my monitor and gorge! ;)
Nice pictures
I think I gained weight just looking at these. They look great, did you have to share?
I'm back again for more gelato. I have an award for you, please see my Thursday's posting.
Good friends are to be cherished and loved. I'm happy to hear you have a "family" in the South of France. Hopefully, Philippa can participate in the festive mood but looking at your photos.
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