15 November 2008

Eze Village - Through the Archway...

Walk through the archway and you'll see the scene - The Back Street - that we saw two days ago. Eze village has many archways and short tunnels like this.


  1. The arch is truly the focal point of the photo, making me want to be there to walk through it to the treasures on the other side!

  2. This is gorgeous! The stone walls are so amazing.

  3. Jilly, you sure captured the magic of Eze! Thanks for the memories!

  4. I love archways and alleyways. Beautiful shot. How old is that anyway? MB

  5. Small City Scenes - the village is medieval.

  6. On tv a few days ago they did a show on EZE what a fab little place. they even showed the perfumery! A definite beauty. Hope to see more of the shopping and restaurants of this place.

  7. ALl of these wonderful pathways and tight squeeze avenues and archways with the little turns and twists make it seem like something extraordinary is waiting around every curve. It has a very fairy-tale quality to it, doesn't it?

    Another gorgeous shot, Jilly.

  8. It looks a great place to visit, and quite old by the look of those rocks.

    Thanks for your Dubaian comments. The man in the box was in fact my joke. There are no homeless in Dubai. I don't think it's allowed. He was actually a mime artist that was entertaining the crowds at the new shopping mall.

  9. wow, this is one of the most romantic arches i have seen in a while
    we have a lot of places like this in our town, but not as well kept as this one

  10. What an amazing series of photo's! Truly a place that must be explored, not just visited.

  11. Monte Carlo is such an interesting place and so different from Hawai'i - I've always wanted to visit your part of the world and its wonderful cityscapes like these concrete stone arch walkways =)
