It's not only in America that you can vote for Obama or McCain. At Stars 'n' Bars, the American sports bar on the port of Monaco, you can buy a sweet (candy) for one euro. You then select either the Obama jar or the McCain bar to place your sweet, and - voila! - you have voted. All proceeds go to charity. Obama has the most sweets!
As you can see in the poster below, Stars 'n' Bars offer an 'I WANT A RECOUNT' breakfast at 6 a.m. tomorrow. I sure hope not!
To see how my dog Beau will vote, please look at Menton Daily Photo.
Well it's nice that you all get to "have a say"! Merci!
Oh, no - no recount please!! :)
Very clever of Stars 'n' Bars to participate in such historical (and at times hysterical) event.
Very long queues await us. C'est la vie.
What are the two red things that look like horns?
Julie - they are the horns of a painted cow! painted in the Stars and Stripes of America.It stands outside Stars n Bars. If you'd like to see it, please go back to the posting of 19 February 2007. Sorry it's a long way back!
Well that was a journey but I went way back! Fairly attention grabbing design for the animal. Let's cross everything we can for the results tomorrow!
I really hope Obama wins.
And they sell great burgers there!
Seems like the people of MC have spoken, at least.
One year (must have been 1992) we sat up all night watching BBC in the UK watching Clinton in Oz we can watch at the more civilised daytime hours. I'm "working from home" tomorrow cos I want to be with my TV!!!
LOL what a fun idea and great that they put the money to a charity!
Who exactly in Monaco is putting sweets in McCains jar? Must be visiting/resident Americans because I've yet to meet any Europeans that actually support McCain & his 'unique' sidekick.
Sounds like a good place for an election party. I will be at the Buffalo Wild Wings tonight. But I don't think they can start serving drinks until after the polls have closed. We wouldn't want any drunk voters now would we? :)
This is great that other countries are getting their vote and say too!
Great way to get donations for charity!
I feel so glad, lucky, & privileged to be able to vote today in the US. I heard a story about expats voting in this election and kudos to them for their efforts. Go Obama!
What a fun way to raise money for charity!! :-)
I am looking at the TV right now and waiting for the results... But I don't feel like waiting for that recount breakfast!!
Please no recount, just a straight Obama win. I think half the UK is up wathcing the BBC tonight.
Interesting how America's election plays out across the ocean!
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