Scruples, the English bookshop in Monaco, is no more. As you can see in the smaller photograph, it closed on the 10th October. ( click to enlarge)
Jane France, the lady in the main photograph, is a Monaco institution. She opened Scruples over twenty-five years ago. Prior to that she drove around the ports in the south of France and Monaco selling English books to the 'yachties' from her van - she was known as 'the Book Lady.' Now she has sold up. A small English bookshop can't compete with Amazon. That's how it is these days. Also Jane is ready for a much-deserved retirement. Happy retirement, Jane! - you will be greatly missed by the English book-buying community in Monaco and France. Word has it that Scruples will become an ice-cream parlour.
The pedestrian street is Rue Princesse Caroline, which runs from Port Hercule to Rue Grimaldi.
Unfortunately this is an all too familiar scene around the world! Two of my favorite independent bookstores have closed years ago because they, too, could not compete with the big chains: Borders, B&N, and Amazon. It's our loss!
I am sorry for the shop closing but I did get a chuckle when this ran through my head...."No more scruples in Monaco!"
Hope this nice lady enjoys retirement as much as I do!
Another good portrait, Jilly! I always feel sad when a bookshop is closing (did I choose the right tense?). So now, you have to read in French!
Asad but unfortunately common sight these days..
Happy retirement to a beautiful Lady.
That is sad. I will admit that I bought most of my books from Amazon while I was living in France. I just couldn't bear to pay the exhorbitant prices in FNAC and places like that. Although there was a nice little used book store in Rennes that always had a few English novels.
Enjoy your retirement Jane! And an ice cream parlour is not such a bad replacement. I hope you'll give us a tour sometime, Jilly.
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