16 December 2008

Eze Village - the Jardin Exotique: the Roof Terrace

A roof terrace with a view. This is just below the gardens and looking in the direction of Italy.

And for the eagle eyed amongst you (note the washing on the line) the photographs were taken on different days.


  1. It's lovely to see the sky and sea blue! Love that roof..

  2. Yes yes yes, oh that view and the charm of that old house!!!!

    Sorry I missed some of your previous posts, they were lovely. I particularly liked. Jean-Philippe Richard's statues and words...

    Le sol me retient,
    Et alors!
    J'ai la tĂȘte au ciel.

    Though the ground keeps me rooted
    My mind is in the heavens.

    I'd go along with that right now!!!

  3. Lovely and I especially like the washing on the line. Adds a nice touch. I love the roof tiles so m uch.

  4. Ha! The top picture was on the "whites" day and the other on the "colors" day.
    I absolutely love the chairs!

  5. Tis could be taken anywhere in the world...I was thinking of Asia first when I saw the picture.
    The clothing line is a funny touch!!

  6. Love the palm trees (sigh) one can just get l-o-s-t on the horizon! Great job on photos!

  7. Seems you go to dizzying heights to make pictures :) I do like looking toward Italia !! Che bello.
