23 January 2009

Circus! - the Elephants' Home

I wonder if these elephants know that this tent, where they sleep, is alongside one of the most expensive apartment buildings in Monte Carlo?


  1. Why would they care? Standing there on concrete, completely removed from anything that would be natural to them, stolen from their mothers in the wild those many years ago...I suspect that the very last thing on their mind would be the price of real estate in Monte Carlo.

    It's an excellent photograph. Very very sad.

  2. Whe I open this post, the first I think: the right elephant is an sculpture.
    I don't know if you have visited my added post of jan. 20. I would like that you could visit it.

  3. After reading that first comment, I now feel bad. :(

    I liked your photos of the elephants though. And I'm sure they're happy to be living the good life in the high-end district!

  4. These animals are so majestic! They can hold their own against the majesty of those exclusive apartments.

  5. while the wild would ordinarily be considered ideal, that's true. In todays environment the hunting the lack of food, water and encroachment on their environment would very well put some if not most, at risk. Here as long as they are looked after well and contented and have a way to play with their tree trunks and excercise they would probably be more than happy.

    So, bravo to their keepers and their organization for having such care with such fragile beasts, whom in turn bring so much joy to humans. it's as if the favor has been repaid!!

  6. Well ,I'd be honored to have elephant s as next door neighbors. Hope the local residents feel the same way. What grand creatures!

  7. These big magnificent creatures are so gentle and well behaved. How could anyone look at this photo and see sadness.
    I noticed the low tent, the light barriers and thought these girls are well behaved, happy, stimulated by their living situation and their performances.
    Elephants are really suited to interact closely with man. Yes they work is showbusiness, but the daily performances and variances in living situation, occassional travel all provide stimulation and relieve boredom.
    The photo contents both elephant and equipment scream good care, health, stimulation and wonderful animal and human interaction. It definitely doesnt make me sad. What makes me sad is that all of this will be lost based on the misplaced belief that non interaction and complete animal apartide will be better for animals.

  8. It is hard to read what the Elephants are thinking. I do know that they enjoy the interaction with humans and I am glad that in a small way they get to be part of our lives. MB

    BTW: while bingo is a staffie mix he is mostly Staff. I had another Staffie and they pretty much look the same. Staffies did orginate from a pitbull type. They are sweet and loving and dedicated to their home. so gentle. MB

  9. "These big magnificent creatures are so gentle and well behaved"

    Growing up in South Africa I could say the opposite. Magnificent? Absolutely ... But in no way are they always gentle & well behaved ... They should be in the wild ... Absolutely no animals should be in captivity unless they are on the verge of extinction & elephants are in no way near extinct - quite the opposite in fact ...
