07 February 2009

The End of the Croissant

Breakfast for two at the bar of the luxurious Centre Métropole in Monaco.


Today is Monte Carlo Daily Photo and Menton Daily Photo's 2nd Birthday! Two years in which I've learned so much, not least that I'll never use a normal handbag again. A camera bag has replaced it! Why doesn't someone make a pretty camera bag for the evening?

I'm so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world but it's photography that has taught me to really 'see' the beauty everywhere. What a gift! And it's been the best fun to try and share it with you.

  • Merci to Eric in Paris, who started it all and without whom this amazing City Daily Photo community wouldn't exist. I'm so proud to be part of it.
  • Merci to Demosthenes and Igor, who work so hard to keep us all up and running.
  • Merci to many amazing photographers who inspire me every day and special thanks to one who answers my endless questions with so much patience and generosity!
  • Merci to friends who have visited (either in reality in Menton, or via the Internet) and for your kind, encouraging and knowledgeable comments.


  1. Should we assume that the counter is lit from underneath? Or is it a metal surface that reflects the light? It's a strange scene. The croissant looks like a messy affair...

    Congratulations on Monaco DP's second birthday. This is quite an achievements, running two brilliant blogs for such a long time (not to mention the dog blog). You are so prolific and talented... now we want the book!

  2. Nathalie, thankyou so much. You, as you know, are one of my big inspirations. Yes, the counter is lit from underneath. As for the croissant, well it's nearly finished. I did call this the Black and White Breakfast but then changed my mind.

    As you know, there is so much beauty in this part of the world that it'd take years to show it all - so I imagine I'll continue for a while longer!

    And again, thanks for your comments. See you soon!

  3. a great photo as ever and a marvellous achievement on reaching the 2nd birthday for 2 daily blogs! Amazing.

  4. .......and a million stories to conjure with here.

    Well done. 3 blogs and all included in the Work/Life Balance.

  5. Congratulations again!! Both of your blogs are on my "favorits" list.

    These two look like an affluent couple.

  6. Happy 2nd birthday to both the daily blogs. All your blogs are very interesting and take me to a part of the world that is so beautiful and that I probably will never get to see otherwise. Whew!!! MB

  7. Happy birthday. I hope I have as much enthusiasm on my 1st as you have on your 2nd. When you discover photography, nothing ever looks the same!

  8. Congratulations Jilly. What a wonderful friend you have become. I still think fondly of our phone conversations while I was in Paris! You are an inspiration to us all. I wouldn't miss a trip to Monte Carlo everyday for the world!

    And I recognized this bar immediately. That's where Monsieur with the tuxedo was sitting, oui?? He's all framed and ready to hang!!!

    PS These two couldn't afford TWO croissants???

  9. Virginia, Well done, you recognised the bar! The story is intriguing - has he eaten his croissant already? Did he not want one perhaps? Did they have an appointment to meet at the bar? Did they arrive together? One of life's many questions.

  10. Hi Jilly, best wishes and hugs on your second. I always stop by and say hello. Especially when there's a car or leggy blonde on offer.

    Regarding the TV programme. I didn't realise MC was so small. I bet you could walk around its border in a day. All that money sloshing about & so much poor in the world. I think it's time for a bit more equality. I bet the principality would be a lot different if it wasn't a tax dodging haven.

    Keep the great photos coming. Your next task is to snap a Bugatti Veyron. There's 6 in MC, so you should be able to spot one.

  11. Gail's Man, I knew you'd want a photo of one of those Bugatti's that were mentioned in the TV programme. Well I've not seen one and suspect they are hidden away in garages in the depths of Monaco. No matter, I will now be on the look out. I do have another car for you - on soon. A Gamballa. Do you know it?

  12. Happy 2nd Anniversary Jilly!

    Merci to you for your commitment to this blog, for sharing your thoughts and for the wonderful pics.
    Merci for giving us the opportunity to visit daily, for letting us know about you, about Milou, about Beaubama, about Les Girls and about Monte Carlo and beyond.

  13. Happy birthday! I love reading both of your blogs and look forward to many new photos and stories. :)

  14. Thanks so much to everyone for 2nd anniversary wishes. I felt like it really was my own birthday and not the blog's!

  15. I'm a day late, but congratulations, Jilly! I thoroughly enjoy both your blogs and I hope that we will continue to see more of Menton and Monte Carlo for many more years!

  16. Many Happy 2nd birthday. I'm a total Francophile, especially the South so for me both blogs are heavenly. As for Riviera Dogs I have a self imposed ban from stopping by. I am dog nut and I would never be off the site. Ideal job- dog walker South of France - Dog photograher South of France- Dog anything really. Congratulations again. That really is some going 2 years, 2 blogs.

  17. Happy birthday for your 2 blogs,Jilly

    Everytime I stop by I wonder how you make it with TWO daily photoblogs!!!
    The choice of the picture for this anniversary is fabulous...
    So much light contrasts,a very nice B&W

  18. happy bday to your blogs and to me ;-) the gentlemen appears to want that croissant...
