23 February 2009

Nathalie's Bentley

Fellow CDP Blogger, Nathalie from Avignon in Photos has long been an inspiration to me. I love the detail in her work, her shadows and her reflections. I love her photography. Recently Nathalie came to visit - you'll find a photograph I took of her on Menton Daily Photo today and can read more about the great time we had together.

Here is Nathalie's Bentley, taken on le Rocher in Monaco. Nathalie sees shadows and reflections before anything else and this is a perfect example of what I love about her work.

On Avignon in Photos today you'll find shots Nathalie took of Gorbio village, near to Menton.

Tomorrow you'll see another of Nathalie's photographs on Monte Carlo Daily Photo and it's something I would never have photographed. Do come back and see what it is!


  1. LOL. Nathalie's Bentley indeed! Is she one of these millionaires that we are always ribbing, when you show pictures of them, their jewellery or their fur coats?
    For various reasons Bentleys seem to look a bit better than Rolls Royces these days. what model has she got?

  2. Gail's Man, its not 'Nathalie's Bentley but a Bentley she photographed!- so I called it Nathalie's Bentley because it's her capture, her photograph. ha-ha...

  3. And I was sooo close to give a comment about Nathalies's Bentley!! You pulled my leg completely, Jilly!

  4. Wow, fantastic photo and somehow so appropriate for Monte Carlo.

  5. The logo flying into the beautiful blue skies, the quasi-Gaudi look of the buildings, real people and a gorgeous valley in the background - what a GREAT picture!!
    I have followed Nathalie's Avignon blog and it's fantastic.

  6. This is a wonderful shot and now I'm inspired to run out and look for reflections, well, when it warms up that is,lol...

  7. Wonderful. Oh dear, I hope you haven't turned me on to another great blog.

  8. The Bentley's color disappears completely with the blue,pink and white of the street..

  9. HA! I was just picturing our Nathalie speeding around Monte Carlo in that fine Bentley. Oh well! I LOVE this photo share you two have going. I can't wait to go see the other pics. What fun!

  10. what a reflection and so hard to capture but you did it brilliantly. Such color and detail. I wonder if the Bentley's owner was concerned about the two of you being so close. I am surprised you did not set off the alarm.
