14 February 2009

The National Museum - the Tea Party

This display is called The Tea Party. The doll featured in the main photo has a wooden body under those clothes. Note the Napolean III furniture imitating bamboo - we see the miniature chair, for instance, through the harp.

I cropped the main photo from the one seen on the left simply because of the reflections caught in the glass. If you'd like to see more of the dressed dolls, please click on the smaller photo to enlarge.

Tomorrow, we meet the lady who collected all these dolls, Madame de Galéa - and we see a Jumeau doll.


  1. Ohh, I love doll houses and this scene is perfect! The furniture is beautiful and the chandelier is fantastic!

  2. Never realized dolls in those days were so heavy. The porcelain one's are truly a work of art. They are beautiful. The clothes are fabulous. This must be a particular delight to children!! So glad to see that Monaco has places like this!!!!

  3. The clothes alone are works of art and the furniture is lovely. I would have loved this as a child.
