03 April 2009

Jardin Exotique - Chorisia Insignis

Monaco has many beautiful gardens with perhaps the most stunning being the Jardin Exotique, high up in Monaco with spectacular views over the Principality.

Today, we start our visit, so do come along and enjoy.

We've entered the gardens and immediately we see this extraordinary tree. It originates from Argentina and Brazil and displays cream coloured flowers in Autumn.


Anonymous said...

This magnificent tree - that we call in Portuguese "paineira" - is found everywhere in Brazil, even in the nature, without human care.

I was in Monaco yet, but I never saw this tree! Our tree!!

Sharon said...

An interesting tree. It doesn't look like one the children would be found climbing.

Anonymous said...

Looks like something out of the Dark Ages. Something a gladiator might wear, perhaps.

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful and strange tree. Almost a Braille tree only too prickley. MB

Rob said...

An interesting tree, unusual shape and spines make it beautifully unusual.

Julie ScottsdaleDailyPhoto.com said...

this is a gorgeous tree. I remember going to this garden. it was wonderful but I love gardens. I am glad you enjoyed the Yellow Chihuly Saffron Tower. You raised a good point about security and vulnerability of the art. It truly is left out in the desert park and, as far as I know, there have been no problems. the Saffron Tower in particular is near a road but once the lights go off, it would not be that easy to maneuver your way around the desert at night without being noticed or maybe bitten by a snake or scorpion.

BASRIC said...

I love pixs of trees. I love tall ones that I can stand beneath and snap a pix toward the sky. This tree is beautiful.

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