26 April 2009

Jardin Exotique - the Theatre of Magical Wonders

We are looking down at one of the main chambers in the cave. You feel as if you are in an amazing theatre - a theatre of magical wonders.

The cave is a major prehistoric site where excavations carried out between 1916 and 1920 discovered significant and very old archeological remains from three successive humanities. The Pre-Neanderthals (around 250,000 years ago) left us flints (tools in hewn stone), the Neanderthals (around 60,000 years ago) scrapers from fragments of flint, and Cro-Magnon man (from around 35,000 years ago) beautiful blades in flint and bone spear heads. All these peoples occupied the entrance to the cave, the inside of which was used as a larder.


  1. How interesting. I would love to be on a dig and find something meaningful. Or anything at all for that matter. On the ranch belonging to my SILs family are caves and burial grounds used by Native Americans. Nothing Neanderthal although I have accused my SIL as being just that---LOL. MB

  2. What an amazing place. It reminds me of Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico here in the US. Another underground wonder.

  3. I guess when someone today calls someone else a Neanderthal, the object of the insult could reply that Neanderthal's lived in Monaco. How primitive could it be to choose to live along the Riviera?

    I greatly regret not seeing the Jardin duing my week in Monaco in 2002. I will have to return. In the meantime, your tour is wonderful.

    I have not posted a comment during the past couple of weeks because i was traveling in Morocco. I was somewhat surprised at how much French culture and language remains in contemporary Morocco.

  4. You've enticed me to comment and I was taking a break. Always fascinated by these other worlds, just perfect for photography. Of course I believe something magical must live there.

  5. What a great cave. Its hard to imagine living in the distant past. I guess a cave by the sea was a sought after address. Luck pre neandertahals.

  6. Fantastic! And so beautifully lit too. Must be totally amazing to tour the cave.
