02 April 2009

Monte Carlo Lady - The Coat

A stroll towards the port.


  1. Bigfoot sighted in Monte Carlo?

  2. A wonderful photo Jilly.
    I appreciate her firm hold upon his arm. I always enjoy seeing a woman who appears to value her relationship. I always remember when a woman takes my arm. I’m a faithful viewer by the way.

  3. He doesn't seem to have made much of an effort to dress up though. Just hope that isn't real fur.

  4. Do you still need such a heavy coat in Monaco?? Here in Berlin it's been quite nice, a simple jeans jacket suffices.

  5. Mais non! In Monte Carlo we must wear all simple OR all quit elegant!

  6. 'Just hope that isn't real fur'

    Do you eat meat? Wear leather? Same difference!

  7. Why would she need to wear such a warm coat in Monte Carlo? Does it ever reach anywhere near freezing there?

  8. Aside from the fantastic fur coat, I love how the couples there hold hands or link arms everywhere they go.

  9. Something about this photo screams, "Money."

  10. great eye once again. the long hair, the long coat, and oversized bag. This outfit could not be worn everywhere. It does fit for Monte Carlo. I am glad you enjoyed the Chihuly Saffron Tower on my site for theme day. I have a daytime photo of the Saffron Tower up today. Thanks for your comments.

  11. OK, this will sound like sour grapes but I don't care for the fur (real or faux). IT's not right for some reason.( Big Foot !ha) And it's not a question of whether it's cold enough to wear it. As Fernando Lamas (Billy Crystal) on SNL would say, " Dahling , it's not how you feel, it's how you look, and you look maaaaahhvelous."

  12. I cannot believe how many people responded approving of the fur !!

    Imagine how many animals died for just this one coat and the incredibly inhumane and cruel way they were killed so as to not damage the pelts.

    This is not the same as eating meat or wearing leather !!

    Jilly, with your love of animals, I cannot believe you would post this picture !! (Especially with no comment with regard to the coat).

  13. Anyone who follows my blogs knows my feelings on killing of animals for fur or for anything else, come to that. I thought this coat so outrageous that frankly I didn't think I needed to make a comment. That's why I simply called it 'the coat.'

    Anonymous, I wish you'd sign your comments. You can still post under the Anonymous heading but sign it Tom, Dick or Harry or whoever you are. I normally don't reply to an anonymous comment but on this occasion I did butI prefer to know the writer's name - after all, you know mine!

  14. Wow!! You stir it up Jilly. MB

  15. Does anyone really think this "thing" is REAL fur?? Name the animal and I'll concede. ( and Big Foot doesn't count!).

  16. I love the coat, and I really don't care that it's probably real fur. Sorry, but I don't get weepy over animals being used for clothing or anything else. I do not have sympathy for the "animal rights" cause or their supporters and I never will. I'm tired of their propaganda. When I look at a fur coat I see only a beautiful garment that has ennobled the animals of which it was made and gave their lives some higher purpose other than grovelling in some forest dirthole for a few short months of life before dying of rabies, mange, starvation, or being eaten by something bigger and meaner.

  17. I love the coat, and I really don't care that it's probably real fur. Sorry, but I don't get weepy over animals being used for clothing or anything else. I do not have sympathy for the "animal rights" cause or their supporters and I never will. I'm tired of their propaganda. When I look at a fur coat I see only a beautiful garment that has ennobled the animals of which it was made and gave their lives some higher purpose other than grovelling in some forest dirthole for a few short months of life before dying of rabies, mange, starvation, or being eaten by something bigger and meaner.
