15 May 2009

Chuckeroon's Monte Carlo - the Casino

Crowds, lights, cameras - the Casino at night by Chuckeroon.

To enter the Casino you must produce your passport - a photocopy is taken. However, if you are a Monaco citizen, you are never ever allowed to enter the casino. A Monaco resident - yes. A Monegasque citizen - no.


  1. No Monegasque citizens allowed in the casino, isn't that sensible? Don't let the locals lose their wealth at such stupid games, eh?

    A nice line-up of cars in front of the casino here. Beautiful photo, Chuckeroon!

  2. Looks like you all had a marvelous time! Champagne, Kir Petillants, fine wine....oh, my! Wish I was there!

    I find it interesting that MC citizens cannot enter the Casino.

    Jilly, your postcard arrived yesterday. It brought back very nice memories of Monaco to the whole family! Thanks so muchI

  3. Chucker - very impressive quality in this photo, at ISO800, f2.0

  4. So Chuckeroon managed to take the photo I would have liked to have succeeded with! Good, it means that we complete each other as a team! :-)

  5. Brilliant picture! Isn't it wierd that a Monaco citizen is not permitted inside the casino? Why so?

  6. Anonymous15 May, 2009

    Because it's illegal for citizens to gamble.

  7. Another nice look at the casino. Everyone is so chic - not like in Las Vegas!

  8. Another beautiful shot of such and elegant setting.

    I'm curious why citizens of Monaco are not allowed in the casino. What is the reason?

  9. Gambling was made legal in 1854, but only for people who were not citizens of Monaco. That same law still stands till this day. It is illegal for citizens to even enter the casino, and the royal family itself must use a side entrance when they wish to attend ballet and opera performances held in the building.

  10. Anonymous15 May, 2009

    "not like in Las Vegas!"

    Ha! Monaco & Vegas are like night & day ... Rainier is turning in his grave hearing you mention Monaco & Vegas in the same sentence!

  11. Aahhh the good life. Perfect shot of it.

  12. The ban on casinos solely applies to Monegasques. All foreign nationals including those who reside in the Principality of Monaco are hence allowed to enter the Casinos there.

    This law was created under the rule of Charles III who was the Prince of Monaco from 1856 until his demise in 1889. It was deliberated to protect Monaco citizens from added liability. It is crucial to realise that the gaming industry in the Principality was created to support the nation regain financial stability by importing money from richer countries; thus, allowing its own citizens to gamble would have been senseless as it would have been counter productive.

    In fact, the Principality was not always as economically prosperous as it is today. In 1793, it was brought down to its knees after the Attack on the Tuileries during which France dethroned Honoré III and reclaimed his family possessions. In 1860, the Principality managed to re-acquire its governmental independence; nevertheless, it had forfeited the vast majority of its territory, and it was left with only 370 acres of territory.

    Thankfully, Charles III began to think about the economical situation of nearby nations, and he realized that the tourism industry was starting to become a growing phenomenon. Highly inspired by Casino institutions in Germany and Belgium, he created the S.B.M. (Société des Bains de Mer) which successfully targeted the English elite society. The profits generated by the SBM stabilized Monaco's economical situation, and they even managed to gradually eliminate Monaco's national debt by 1869. The financial success was so unbelievable that Charles III also decided to abolish taxes as they were no longer viewed as required to take care of the country's needs.

    Rengraçiamentu a Honoré III !

    PS: See a panoramic view of the Casino of Monte Carlo as well as other virtual tours of the Principality of Monaco.

  13. Joe, thanks for your comment. I'm sorry not to have responded but I just found it in the Junk file. Now it's published. Yes I did know the difference in this law between Monegasques citizens and residents. Very interesting tho to read of the history of this. Absolutely fascinating.
