The Hôtel de Paris, which is where we five Bloggers started our evening in Monte Carlo. Champagne in the American Bar, which is on the left as you enter the hotel. We drank Pommery poured at the table from a Magnum.
What has been so fascinating to me is how, as photographers, we all see the same thing differently. Over the next days, we'll be seeing more shots of our time in Monte Carlo.
Do click on the link to Richard's blog where you'll find yourself in the medieval village of Roquebrune.
Yippee, some cars at last. even if they are modern ones. Be interesting to see how others view MC as tourists, rather than as a resident.
I have a good friend who is an editorial photographer, a good one his stuff appears in the Times, Telegraph, Guardian routinely. We often see the same subject from a different standpoint.
Some people photograph buildings, cars, streets my friends photos often have people in them.
Nice to see the CDP coming together, Jilly.
Paul Leeds Photo Daily
Jillly, I"m LOL because the moment I saw the BW image I knew it was Richard's as well!!! What a great photograph and the table shot is so interesting. I'm going to stop in on Richard's to have a look around.
Lovely. The black and white really adds something to the building. And who doesn't like a glass of champagne?? :)
Beautiful photos and so elegant looking.
I agree with Sharon: very elegant!
Jilly, how did Mia do with your visitors?
Maria, she was terrified of the visitors, of course, but now, when I go out I leave her outside with Beau (terrace and garden) as I couldn't leave her enclosed. I'll write about it on Postcards shortly but basically she is coming along fabulously and even after a while with a stranger she 'wants' to come up and sniff but is too scared. She'll slowly get better, I'm convinced. Thanks for asking. It was quite a test for her this weekend as I was out so much but I think it did her a lot of good as now she knows I always come back home.
Aaaaah, after my acid trip of yesterday I'm glad Richard restores law and order in the posh world of Monaco. Gorgeous naked statues, glistening cars, everything is is place. Brilliant shot Richard!
Nice car, Jilly ;-)
Not a bad place to start the evening!!!
Peter was driving??...
I'm more impressed with the architectural detailing ("gorgeous naked statues" to quote Nathalie) than I am with the cars.
Clueless - so was Peter. It's just as well he wasn't driving.....
I love this photo. Very elegant and swanky!
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