This one is called 'The Eagle has Landed' - Buzz Aldrin 1969 - on the Moon. The artist is Patrice Borrello.
If I'd been concentrating I'd have put this particular eagle on Monte Carlo Daily Photo two days ago - ie the 40th anniversary of those first footsteps on the moon. Buzz Aldrin himself will be in Monaco on Monday the 27th July where he will be guest of honour at a party organised by Prince Albert.
This eagle looks pretty intimidating, which Buzz Aldrin is not. Beautiful piece of sculpture. I was a bit surprised that so few posts mentioned the landing on its 40th anniversary. Perhaps there are many people on this list who weren't around then!!
Lovely piece of work.
I love that haughty look on his face.
la sculpture est superbe !!
c'est bien des planètes que l'on voit sur la poitrine de l'aigle ? peut-être même à l'intérieur ??
Impressive! I love the expression - he looks sort of fierce.
Monaco seems to always acknowledge events with spectacular artwork. Fantastic!! To put these exhibitions together must be challenging and exciting. As an art lover, I'd love to have that job!
I like this a lot. It would be a great addition to the air and space museum in Washingtong D.C.
Very Majestic. I like the sculpture.
I remember sitting in a TV remote truck in front of Buzz Aldrin's parents house to get their remarks on his adventures on the moon.
Memories are wonderful.
A fascinating post and a very fierce eagle!
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