07 July 2009

Tour de France - the Publicity Caravan

The Publicity Caravan travels with the tour. The sponsor of each team, throws cheap goodies to the crowd.

Yesterday, in Marseille, a child got hit in the eye by a sweet (candy) and ended up in hospital.

Monaco expected between 100,000 and 200,000 visitors for the Grand Depart of the Tour. The number was apparently 80,000 and some think less.

With the exception of hotels, which were nearly full, other businesses did badly - restaurants, stalls, sandwich bars etc. Stalls selling Tour t-shirts did badly but then these are given out free by the Publicity caravan.

You'll find another photo of this Caravan as it passed through Nice on Nice Daily Photo (July 6)


  1. Just love it even if it's going to give me nightmares. I see Mark Cavendish is doing well in the TDF. I have to mention him as he's from the Isle of Man can you believe.

  2. A sign of the times. Here, a lot of people are traveling but not spending money.

  3. Cool photos again of the Tour de France! Fun contrast of the boats with the bikers!

  4. The helmet looks so cumbersome, but it certainly is eye-catching. Oops! I didn't deliberately use that phrase after your comments about the child. Interesting comments about the economics surrounding the Tour.

  5. Even the TdF is suffering from the recession! Too bad about that child. I hope his eye is ok.

  6. Paul Sherwen and Phil Leggett did a superb job (as usual!) narrating from Monaco. We were very surprised to see the cyclists fly past the Casino with very few fans cheering in the streets.

    Thanks for the pics, Jilly!

    Babooshka: I believe Douglas is also home to Jeremy Clarkson, my son's favourite tv personality.....

  7. Bet if I wore this special suit, I could cycle to town in about 5 mins. At the moment it takes me 30. Somehow it makes him look like a Power Ranger!

  8. Brilliant stuff from the TdF, thanks!
