19 September 2009

Boat Trip to Cap Ferrat - Girls' Day Out

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

It's a Girls' Day Out on the water. Several of these Italian ladies sunbathed nude - completely nude, not even a bikini bottom half - so perhaps it's not surprising that within a short while of their arrival, their dingy was surrounded by other boats - see lower photo.


B SQUARED said...

Hope they remembered the Sun Block.

Jilly said...

They did!

Sharon said...

This brings back fond youthful memories!

Kate said...

Jilly, I think that you'll get lots of hits on this post. The Bronze Beauty!

glenda said...

Wow! Fun had by all at Cap Ferret.

maria said...

How fun - and no tan lines!!

Laurie Allee said...

Totally nude sunbathing... sigh... ah, youth!

Amazing images. I agree, you'll have a lot of hits on these, hee hee!

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

ah those italians are reckless are they not

Anonymous said...

That's just fantastic! Looks like a great way to spend a day!

Drew said...

I don’t understand the comment by Laurie... what has youth to do with sunbathing.
I have seen people of all ages sunbathing. Maybe I miss the point or possibly I don’t find it strange to see nude women sunbathing on boats or yachts.

Jilly, have things changed recently?

Virginia said...

Well I must admit I've never sunbathed like that but I've.......well that was a loooong time ago anyway! Jilly, these are some great shots.

Jilly said...

Drew, no, nothing has changed. People sunbathe nude on the nude beaches. On normal beaches, women remove their bikini tops but I've never seen one without the lower half. Not that I go around beaches searching for such things!And yes, you see women sunbathing nude regardless of age.

Virginia said...

WEll I think at a certain age, some things are better left unseen! :)

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