01 November 2009

Theme Day: 'Doorways' - the Prince's Palace

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

It's Theme Day again and the subject is 'doorways' and in Monaco, why not the doorway to the Prince's Palace on le rocher? And a second doorway - this time the doorway to one of the sentry boxes.

To see how at least 100 City Daily Photo bloggers from around the world have interpreted today's Theme, do click on the link to be delighted and intrigued. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.


  1. Beautiful photograph! Congratulations!

  2. two super white doorways and this colorful sentry. another great image for theme day

  3. Very big doorway to the palace. Very small doorway to the sentry box! Great palatial doorways!

  4. Interesting color. I guess this doorway post is a "twofer."

  5. Great THeme photo Jilly. It looks BW with the guard in color. Are you getting snazzy in Photoshop on me??

  6. Wow! Is it really that colorless? Did you play with the saturation? Either way, great effect with the colorful guard.
    - Mitch

  7. A gorgeous doorway for sure. Happy theme day.

  8. Mitch and Virginia - I don't own Photoshop. Normally use iPhoto which doesn't have a tool for changing a photo to black and white yet with a specific part in colour. Picasa does. So I opened the photo with Picasa and used that.

  9. Nice shot Jilly, I don't use Photoshop either. I guess that makes us a couple of purists!

  10. I love everything about this. The two doorways. The sun. the shadows. The guard. The lamp post.

    I hope they have summer uniforms for the guard.

  11. Jilly, I really like this a lot. The shadows are great.

  12. Very nice, Jilly. :-) I'm back, catching up and enjoying your shots once again.

  13. I thought I was the only one who didn't use Photoshop!

    This is exquisite, JIlly. It's like the guard brings us into the present while the walls stay firmly in the past. Beautiful choice for Theme Day.

  14. I love this! It's a perect shot for theme day.

  15. The step, the shadows, the meaning or concept, love the result of the whole of this great composition. (Sorry for the grammar, not always find the correct words coming from within)

  16. This is what it's all about, and in high contrast which I love. Fabulous photo, Jilly. Just fab.
