25 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Princess

Princess Stephanie is the President of the Monte Carlo Festival of Circus and takes a very hands-on approach. Her love of circus is evident and she's always around making sure everything is running properly and checking on the welfare of the animals. Always dressed smartly yet casually and normally in black as you see here, except for the big dress-up occasions of course.

Yesterday was the last day of the circus - just one more photo to show you tomorrow. Then we'll go back to the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild on Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat.


  1. Nice capture; wish I could see her face too.

  2. Princess Stephanie moves very quickly Kate and it's always tricky to get a good shot of her when she isn't not at an official function, that is. I'll post one of her one of these fine days.

  3. Princess Stephanie chairs the Monte Carlo Circus. The grand marshall of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin circus since the 1970's has been . . . . Ernest Borgnine. That says a lot of the differences between Milwaukee and Monte Carlo.

  4. Ohhhh Jilly, you got very close on this one. GOod for you. I think she is a stunning young woman. Now your next job is to get a close up of her! :)

  5. Jilly,

    Wondering how much she truly loves the circus?? Was watching the broadcast on RAI italian television here in the US. Every time they showed her in the audience she looked bored. Just an observation.

    Regardless, the Grimaldi family has done an amazing job over the decades at keeping Monaco relevant and the center of attention. (Which in turn helps their economy). There seem to be a lot of events throughout the year there that bring great publicity. With that of course requires a lot of time and personal appearances by Albert, Stephanie, and Caroline.

    From my humble view point, as someone who loves to visit and who is enthralled with MC and its history, you can see it on their face which events they truly have a passion for. I did see some genuine smiles on Albert in your pics as he swam in the frigid waters. By contrast I think Caroline would rather be somewhere else than sitting on the podium after the grand prix.

    They've all had their share of tradgedy and heartbreak, so I can't presume to know anything about what goes through their minds.

    Jilly I continue to love your website here and over at Menton Daily Photo. The new camera is taking some great pics!

    Keep it up!

    On more thing:
    Can I make a request?? Will you try to visit the upcoming exotic car auction that will be held in the principality. May 1st. http://www.rmauctions.com/default.cfm?SaleCode=MC10

    I wish I could go. Should be some beautiful cars on display. Would make for some great photos.

    All the best,

    Manhattan Beach, California

  6. Rick

    I will try to go on the preview days. Can't go on May 1st cos there is an event in Menton I want to cover. Just to say tho, my experience of the Grimaldi Forum is that we are never allowed to take photographs. Of course it may be different for cars - indeed perhaps it's held outside. I'll do my best but if it's like other exhibitions and I realise it's an auction they actually forbid cameras inside.


  7. Voila! La princesse Stephanie! She's really on the move! She's probably chased by the paparazzi a lot, non?

  8. jilly,
    thanks for considering visiting the event i mentioned.

    p.s.: the folks at city out are sure benefitting from your photography.
