Yesterday was the second day of the Fête de Sainte Dévote, patron Saint of Monaco. Here you see H.S.H. Prince Albert II leaving the Cathedral on le rocher after the Pontifical Mass. To the left, wearing the Mitre, is the Archbishop of Monaco, Monseigneur Bernard Barsi.
Following this mass there was a procession through the town which we'll see tomorrow and over the following few days.
According to legend, on the 27th January in the year 304, a boat from Corsica landed on the coast guided by a dove. In it lay the body of a young Christian martyr. Discovered by local fisherman, she became the patron saint of Monaco and a chapel was built on the spot - the beautiful Church of Saint Dévote - which stands near Port Hercule. The relics of Sainte Dévote were enshrined within its walls and each year on the 27th January, religious ceremonies are held throughout the Principality in honour of its patron saint. On the evening of the 26th the Royal family burn a fishing boat on the port, from which a white dove is released. This is known as the 'burning of the boat' and is a tradition much looked forward to each year. This is followed by fireworks. You can see a sculpture of Sainte Dévote by clicking HERE.
The second day, which is the one we are taking part in, features this Mass, and then during the procession, we'll see the relic of Saint Dévote. Do come back tomorrow.
PS. Apologies if you were expecting the visit to the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild. It's just that I drove into Monaco yesterday and suddenly remembered it was Fête day and so I wanted you to see photos that are current - aren't women allowed to change their mind? We'll go back to the villa on Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat eventually.
A nice documentary shot! Beautiful colors and light!
Wonderful! You really got close to the action.
So many wonderful festivals to record! The red garments of the priests liven up the photo in the most pleasing way.
That's a wonderful photo, Jilly! Are you sure you don't secretly work for "Paris Match?!" Very color robes and great lighting! I'd love to see INSIDE the church, too. We saw Princess Stephanie earlier this week on your blog and Prince Albert today so when will be see Princess Caroline??
So glad you changed your mind!
It's always nice to see Prince Albert. He seems to be such a nice man - no wonder Charlene Wittstock is patiently waiting for him to pop the question......
No apologies necessary, always nice to see Prince Albert. You do get some great photos of the family.
Well I"m feeling like I live here. I"m recognizing H.S.H. without your captions now! :)
Everybody is allowed to change their mind.
When I was a child in a Catholic elementary school I loved the colors, fragrances and drama that the liturgy produced. Doctrine and I parted ways a long time ago but the Catholics still put on damn good theater. Well, the Hindus do an awfully good job, too.
Leif, I'll do my best to get a photo of Princess Caroline one day.
Sure you were right to change your posting programme to report on this fête!
Red looks good on photos, doesn't it?
Excellent composition, smiles, robes waving in the wind, sun,light and colours, everything is right in this photo.
BTW You really are turning into a paparazzo with Prince Albert on every other photo shown here now ! :-)))
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