07 February 2010

3 Years of Monte Carlo Daily Photo - Paint the Town RED!

This is one of the Lanvin windows in Casino Square. They do great windows and that red dress seems just right to celebrate Monte Carlo Daily Photo's 3rd birthday - 365 posts each year and not a day missed. And the same again - on Menton Daily Photo.

Joining the City Daily Photo community has truly changed my life bringing a new field of creativity, so many new and valued friends and even a new job as journalist/photographer for CITYOUT Côte d'Azur. None of this would have happened without our dear Eric Tenin who started it all with Paris Daily Photo - thank you, Eric, and thank you to Demosthenes and Igor who keep us up and running every day.

Thanks to my fellow bloggers, some of whom I've been lucky enough to meet, others are valued friends from afar. So many of you, over these three years, have helped and encouraged me and even more of you inspire me. And thank you to everyone, blogger or not, who takes a look at my photographs each day.

I know I'm lucky to live in such a beautiful place and the pleasure for me in blogging is to share the place I love so much. Photography has changed the way I see the beauty around me. Once I used to just 'look' but now, thanks to seeing my world through the lens of a camera, I really 'see' it. How lucky I am.

How I wish I could offer you all a glass or two of champagne but please enjoy a virtual bottle of bubbly anyway!


  1. Anniversaries are a lot of fun, and I tip my hat and glass to you. I happily toast your creativity and dedication.

  2. Happy 3rd Anniversary, Jilly!!! But I'm the one who has to thank YOU for sharing your part of the world daily, through your camera.

    I raise my glass of bubbly to you!

  3. I look at your photos 1st thing every morning. I'm also lucky enough to live in this beautiful part of the world and it's always a pleasure to see it through the eye of your camera. Congratulations!

  4. Nice note Jilly. I live in Monaco and love your photos to be sure I don't miss what is going on sometimes!! Congrats on a great job!!

  5. Hi Jilly! Congratulations!
    I follow Marias opinion: We all have to thank you for showing us your beautiful places beside descriptions about daily life and history! And it's always like going back to holidays and remembering the places. Sometimes it's like "oh, I was there, too, but didn't see this!"
    I'm looking forward to your next pics! Go on!
    Barbara from Germany

  6. Popping over from Virginia's place to wish you a very happy 3rd blogoversary, Jilly! I have the utmost respect and admiration for you daily photo bloggers ~ such dedication and generosity. Congratulations!!

    You have posted sooooo many beautiful shots and interesting information, so a big THANK YOU.
    CELEBRATE and enjoy the day with or without the camera!

    Greetings from Gunn in Stavanger.

  8. Pasi from Finland07 February, 2010

    Happy 3rd Anniversary Jilly! Like many others I have also enjoyed this blog very much and I can't stop wondering your skill to catch a wonderful scene through your camera lense.
    Wishing many beautiful photos and nice stories more to come!

  9. Well I have my party dress on and some gorgeous high heels so I'll just have a seat! Congratulations Jilly, my hope is that we will get to do more than chat on the phone in this new year. You do a fabulous job with all of your blogs and your new career as a writer. Oh look, my glass is already empty. I think I'll have another! :)

  10. Jilly,
    Congratulations on three years of Daily Photo blogging. Before I started my blog not quite two years ago, I enjoyed your blog. When I wake up in the morning, my daily routine before going to work is to check the blogs that I follow in my dashboard, and even if I am very busy, I never miss yours.

    You will never know how many conversations you have inspired by virtual friends around the globe. In fact, just last evening Julie and I went to her mother's house for spaghetti dinner, with Julie's grandmother, brother and his wife, and the conversation included Jilly and your photos.

    Sorry, but we were enjoying a bottle of Bodega Norton Malbec from Mendoza, Argentina, rather than French wine or champagne. We will have to toast your anniversary next time.

  11. Congratulations! I stop by here every day too!!

  12. Jilly - CONGRATULATIONS! Omedito gozaimashita! Grattis! Felicitations! I enjoy looking at your blog every day - Menton Daily is great, too! Bravo!

  13. Thanks so much for your so kind and generous comments everyone. Really means a lot to read the words from blogger friends and to know of others who visit Monte Carlo DP too too and enjoy it. Big thanks to everyone!

  14. Congrats on the milestone. Keep up the good work I have enjoyed your work over the years.

  15. Congratulations Jilly, this is fantastic!
    I'll join in to celebrate with you!

  16. Congratulations! & thanks for the bubbly too.
    : )

  17. Happy 3rd Anniversary, Jilly!

    Thanks for showing us beautiful photos of your world.

  18. Forgot to say but that shop window is just so glamorous, it befits the occasion perfectly!

  19. A belated Happy Birthday for your wonderful blog, Jilly!! I know you will go on and continue to make us happy looking at your excellent photos!

  20. Jilly,
    That's me, in the back row, curly hair, sunglasses, singing your praises on this third blogoversary. Glad to see you take a well deserved bow for all the hard work and dedication that have gone into the publication of two very well done blogs. Just had to chime in here as well to let you know how much we all appreciate you and your wonderful presence among us. One of the nicest things you've contributed to our blogging community, besides your gorgeous photos and informative prose, is the friendship you have extended to many of us around the globe and your interest and support of so many other's work and concerns. So, blessings in this next year of photoblogging!

  21. Congratulations Jilly, a year from now I'm going to pinch your text verbatim, you couldn't have expressed my feelings about all this better!

    Well done and I really do look forward to your next three years.

    Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
