05 February 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - the Blessing

The entire procession has moved from the Palace to the ramparts which overlook Port Hercule. Here, the Archbishop of Monaco holds the precious relic of the martyred Sainte Dévote whose body was washed up in a small boat on the shores of the Principality in the year 304.

As you can see I was shooting into the light but let's pretend I meant these shots to be 'arty' (I didn't!) - next time I'll know where to stand as per the official photographers you see in the main photograph. I still like the feeling of the photographs tho, showing the seriousness and sense of purpose of the participants on this Fête Day for Monaco's revered patron saint.

Do come back on Sunday when Monte Carlo Daily Photo celebrates its 3rd birthday.


  1. Ha, professionals know the way don't they? But then sometimes they miss the perfect candid shot that people like you manage to take because they only get the official view :-)

  2. Nathalie's right. I was thinking how much you captured in this one shot. Perfect.
