02 February 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - the Veiled Ladies

The ladies walk from the cathedral as they take part in the procession. In the smaller photo you see them in the Place du Princier.

I don't know which specific order or fellowship these ladies represent and wish I did. Perhaps by next year, I'll find out.


  1. Interesting series, and a great way to work in the theme of wood yesterday. I remember seeing Princess Grace's tomb in this cathedral.

  2. Another wonderful parade photo from sunny, warm Monaco! I wish I were there - I just came inside after snowblowing my driveway and sidewalk for 40 minutes!

  3. Not being Catholic, I might just be unaware, but I don't think we have as many festivals etc. here in the US. Very interesting Jilly!

  4. Interesting procession. I'd like to find out more. Maybe I can look at Wikipedia.

  5. I understand that women covering their heads and faces is a bit controversial in France these days. This gauze probably isn't a problem.

  6. LOL Bob !

    I guess when it's part of a specific ceremony it's OK :-)))

    My first guess upon looking at the photo was that these were men (priests) and I thought to myself it was really strange for men to wear veils.

    I had to read your title and read it again and look at the photo and look closer again before I accepted that indeed yes, they were women.

    Let's say they are remarkably unfeminine.

  7. Are these ladies celebrating the martyred lady in some way I wonder.
