09 February 2010

These Boots are Meant for Walking?

Don't you love this Monte Carlo lady's high-heeled boots?

We're in the Saint Martin's Gardens which is below the cathedral. The building you see ahead is the Oceanographic Museum.


  1. Pasi from Finland09 February, 2010

    Rather painful to walk with those shoes there, I think, especially if you are wandering around as tourists do.
    This is a very beautiful park, I liked the atmosphere there.

  2. She looks like she has an agenda and is in a bit of a hurry. Wonder if she will follow her shadow to the left path or go on her way up the right side .......

  3. She is in a hurry....
    Probably painful to walk with shoes like that, but I guess STYLE is more important for her...... ;-)

  4. Yes, Jilly! You caught her right on time with that steady walk!

  5. this photo brought back memories of my walk in these beautiful gardens the end of last year. my feet were aching but then I saw "Le Petite Train" so hopped on and voila! it took me all around Monaco with wonderful views. What an elegant pristine city. I loved it.

  6. I know this will sound bad, nevertheless, I don't think women will be truly liberated till they get rid of their high heels. You know I am referring to their footwear not their spouses.

  7. I was drawn more to her hair!

  8. Very chic. I like the cut of her suit. Fun to see her shadow. I'm encouraged to see a mop of curly hair like my own. . .here young women have been straightening their hair the past two or three years and curls have been somewhat out of fashion.

  9. Personally, I don't like her boots! But she looks great from the calf up! You asked

  10. I'm with Kim. Like her suit and her shadow but I don't care for the boots. I'd prefer just high heels of some sort. That's just me.
