10 March 2010

Lunch at Château Eza - Champagne

Dave from Tamarindo Daily Photo will be as surprised as I was to see this champagne glass. Dave and his wife, Julie, spent part of their honeymoon on the Riviera - along with mother-in-law, Glenda (yes, some people take their mothers-in-law on their honeymoon!) They had lunch at the other Eze restaurant, the Chèvre d'Or where the champagne glasses look incredibly similar to this one - except this glass seems to depict an angel, the one at the Chèvre d'Or unsurpringly features a goat! Click here to see the goat.

Both glasses are made by Lalique and can be bought from the shop in the village at no small expense. We were offered pink or white champagne and chose white - it was to die for - and from then on I didn't notice what was depicted in the base of the glass!

Friday: Looking down on Bono...


  1. Elegant glas !
    It looks very nice.

  2. Real good...


  3. Champagne in those glasses with this view must taste great!:)

  4. WOW!! These look exactly like the glasses that we bought and that were used to serve us champagne at our lunch at the other Eze restaurant, the Chateau d' Chevre d' Or, in 2002. Maybe when the other restaurant switched to the goat champagne glasses they sold their angel glasses to the Chateau Eza. Or maybe they are owned by the same people.

    We bought 8 glasses from the other restaurant while we were there. One arrived broken. We later found the same glasses in a New Year's holiday gift packet with a bottle of Amour d' Deutz champagne in a Champagne shop in Rheims and in galleries Lafayette in Paris, so we bought 6 more.

    That left us with a baker's dozen of 13 glasses, which was a good idea in case we break one. Well, this year when I was washing the glasses after we had some friends over to watch the Super Bowl, I broke one of the Champagne glasses for the first time, so now we have 12.

    I am delighted to know that they sell them in Eze, and when we make a return trip, which we surely will some day, I will buy another or two as an insurance against a repetition of my clumsiness.

    Guests love the angel champagne glasses when we serve them. The are especially nice to hold up to the light, as the wings catch the light and glow.

  5. Ah, that explains it, Dave. Thanks a lot. Well seemingly both designs are sold in Eze.

  6. The glass looks great but the contents and the ambiance are even better.

  7. A very familiar sight! The glass that is, not the view. Someday, I'll make to view more familiar.

  8. Just beautiful, Jilly! Thanks for the memories. We had such a great time in Eze (on Julie and Dave's honeymoon). It is a must return destination! ( Dave did you here that?)

  9. The glasses are gorgeous! I love how the little strings of bubbles mimic the vertical lines on the railing. And the view thru the 'bubbly' is superb!

  10. The glass, the champagne, the view.... it just doesn't get better than this! I have great memories of Eze.

    And I should buy these glasses for when I buy the Xarifa...


  11. I would say the whole thing is parfait! I'm jealous again!! But at least you brought us along with you!


  12. Jillly, what a special post. I love the view and the unique angel glass. Dave and I love using our angel champagne glasses, and Dave loves to tell the stories about the quest to get the glasses. this was a nice romantic experience in photos. thanks
