30 April 2010

ARTMONACO - the Living Sculptures

Last night was the opening of ARTMONACO in the Diaghlev Exhibition Hall at the Grimaldi Forum. This is a 35-thousand square foot space and is displaying 2000 pieces of contemporary art from around the world. And last night 'le tout Monaco' was there and it was the best fun, meeting up with friends and seeing some amazing art. All the usual suspects were there, of course - Picasso, Leger, Chagall, Warhol but also aboriginal art from Australia, photography - for example, David LaChapelle's Last Supper was on display. I'll show you one or two examples over the next days.

First tho, we were greeted (last night was the V.I.P evening) not only with champagne but by a living female and male sculpture, both painted gold. Is she posing with her parents in shot below?


  1. I'm glad you had such a good time at the VIP opening. I love your shot of the living statue's back. It is really gorgeous. It kind of reminds me of a Life magazine shot.

    Have you ever heard of the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, CA? It is part of a summer art festival in an art colony/beach town and is famous for its living portrayals of great works of art. It is held in a hillside amphitheater and sometimes living statues grace built in pedestals around the grounds.

  2. Kim, I've not heard of it but it sounds fascinating. There was a Seattle gallery at the show. I'll look it up and write you separately.

  3. Kim, it's called La Familia Gallery in Seattle. I'll leave a comment on your Facebook page to see if you know it.

  4. Fantastic!

    PS. Haven't visited recently because I have a typical Minnesota summer cold with sleeplessness and lack of stamina--not much fun! Haven't been around much as a result!

  5. I've always wanted to be body painted. It looks like such an interesting experience. Those "sculptures" look great!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful event! These live sculptures made me think of "Goldfinger"!

  7. very goldfinger yes.. but why did the boy have to wear boxers? it ruins the line of the body, non?

  8. Kim and I are on the same wave length, as these human sculptures reminded me of Pageant of the Masters also. I have attended this event in Laguna Beach, CA several times, and it is fantastic. You would love it, Jilly.

  9. I think that the couple with the model aren't the parents. Dad wouldn't be smiling! :-)

    Ken B.

  10. I'm not sure whether I like this or not. I've seen some other pictures where people have had scenes or clothes pained on them.

    What's it like to be a VIP now then Jilly?

  11. What fun! And the photos looks great, can't wait to see more.

  12. Kim and Glenda are correct about the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach. We go most summers. It is hare do describe. They have an outdoor amphitheater, with a live orchestra. They show famous works of art for 90 seconds at a time on several stages, with actors posing as the people in the art.

    Some of hte art displayed are statues, some are paintings, etc. They always conclude with The Last Supper. It is something that has to be experienced to be understood and appreciated.

    My late parents lived near there. My brother got married ont he grounds of the Festival of the Arts. And we spend time there most summers and have annual tickets to see the Pageant of the Masters.
