01 April 2010

The Virgin Mother

Tomorrow, the Damien Hirst exhibition opens at the Oceanographic Museum on le rocher. This coincides with the centenary of the museum, which has undergone extensive renovation for the occasion. However, more than normal renovation was needed as one of Damien Hirst's 60 pieces is a massive shark weighing 33 tonnes - called 'The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living.' The fish, in its tank of formaldehyde, has been flown from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York to Monaco. To accommodate it on the first floor of the museum, aluminium reinforced beams were installed - iron doesn't support the promimity of water in the nearby aquarium. It took 21 hours to unload the piece and install it.

Here you see his famous sculpture - The Virgin Mother. She stands at the end of the jetty in the port of Fontvieille. In the main photo, you see the cathedral behind her - in the smaller photo the Oceanographic Museum. Such is her value, she is being guarded 24 hours a day. More tomorrow...come back for the photo I like best.

Today is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community. To see how around 100 bloggers from around the world have interpreted the theme of 'Red' please Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. Very impressive!! Monte Carlo is very fortunate to have fascinating artwork like this.

  2. Very interessting photo! :-)

  3. Jilly,
    I try and be open to all types of art even though they don't always suit my taste. This one is , I must admit.
    Thank you for showcasing all the wonderful art available in your region. It is amazing.

  4. What an amazing model ... eerie, yet wonderful. The scale is quite daunting ... and, of course, a fine theme day choice!

  5. VERY interesting Virgin! The way society is going these days, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a hue and cry about blaspheme re. this piece of art. Let us know if there is.

  6. I'll stick with the Italian Madonnas!!!

  7. Amazing sculpture. The shark exhibit sounds very interesting. Happy Theme Day.

  8. Strange but absolutely fascinating! The way artists' minds work completely amazes me. Fantastic choice for the theme, Jilly!

  9. I like lots of art, although this is a little too anatomically correct for my tastes.

    I love the angles you have chosen for the photographs. That is artistic. I did not know you can see the Oceanographic Museum from Fontveille. We missed that spot on our visit.

  10. I'm so envious! Thanks for sharing the details of unloading the shark--that's such an interesting icon of contemporary art.

  11. Now there's more to this image than just red - what a provocative post and title for the artwork!
    I am delighted that you chose it.

    The piece is beautifully photographed, both angles are excellent.

  12. Kate, the work of Damien Hirst often causes controversy. I've included a link now in the main test (unfortunately his own website is under construction).

  13. Certainly an eye-catching sight - more interesting than some of this artist's over-rated work.

  14. well, at least she doesnt have a diamond skull.

  15. Quite creepy but then it is Damien Hirst. Your photograph of it is truly striking.

  16. Interesting and extraordinary. Congratulations! It's an amazing photo. And informative.

  17. You simply can't be indifferent to this one (like it or not!)... :-)

  18. This sounds like it will be a very interesting exhibit. Some will love it, some will hate it, but it will cause a lot of dialogue which is good.

  19. wow, this is unique and great interpretation for theme day

  20. This statue is creepy! But I guess that's the desired effect.

    Nice choice for the theme day in any case!

  21. He is a very special artist, that's for sure. This is one of the best photos for the theme day.

  22. The statue is odd to say the least but it's a great "red" theme photo. Cheers!

  23. The red look incredible life and beautiful in your pictures, the sculpture is amazing for its significance!

  24. I'm afraid the artwork leaves me cold - facile and empty. At least with Jeff Koons we get some pornography. However, I really like the angle in the smaller photo!
