19 May 2010

68th Grand Prix de Monaco - The Dishy Policemen

I've lived here for not far off 20 years and I've yet to see a Monegasque policeman that isn't to-die-for good looking! Maybe that's how they choose them...

This one is directing proceedings to allow the crowd to cross the road and enter the pedestrian street - rue Princesse Caroline.

The best way to get into Monaco at Grand Prix time is by rail - or helicopter. There are loads of extra trains and you arrive with no worries about parking, let alone getting into the Principality in the first place, which is pretty much impossible with half the place turned into a barricaded race track.

You leave the railway station with seemingly a trillion other people, past the sellers of Ferrari caps and t-shirts and find your way to the stands or to your apartment building if you are lucky enough to be invited - and as you walk you get more and more excited - the atmosphere sizzles.

And something else - on race days, the French police are drafted in to help - as per the gentleman below and in the small pic.


  1. Any good looking policewomen as well?

  2. Nice portraits of the policemen. I wonder if some women try to get arrested?

  3. I beg to differ regarding your comment that the best way to come to the race is by train. I think it would be best to stay in Monaco and walk.

  4. Well you are right of course. I was writing it from the point of view of someone who was coming in from elsewhere, like me from Menton. Obviously those who live in MC have no problem - in fact many I know leave cos they can't stand the noise!

  5. I must agree with you the policeman is indeed eyecandy! We had such a great experience staying in Monaco during the pre-Grand Prix race, and we were able to walk to the events. Seeing the crowds in your photos makes me appreciate the experience even more.

  6. Well now. That's makes "getting pulled over" seem almost a pleasure! :)
