10 May 2010

ARTMONACO - the Discussion

The night of the vernissage. Is one the artist and one a buyer? Is one the owner of a gallery and the other the artist? Will we ever know?


  1. I'm going to hope it's a buyer!

  2. excellent portrait of people in action. i can see their minds working and smoke coming from their ears! I have a cool agave stalk on my site today you might enjoy.

  3. I'm going to say that the man is writing a check for REALLY BIG money and that the agent/dealer lady is licking her chops calculating of her commission! :-) If only I could have people drink a glass or two of wine when they look at my work - might loosen their wallets?

    LOVE your composition & the mood of this one!

    Ken B.

  4. I love Ken's comment. Yes, a little vin does losen the wallet a bit! :) Great shot. You are so so good at these.
