17 June 2010

Casino Square - l'Addition

This server at the Café de Paris looks somewhat perplexed. Perhaps she needs a calculator?


  1. HA maybe she's having as much trouble as I have with all the coins! v

  2. I have really been enjoying your recent photos of everyday life in Monaco. Thank you so much. Being a photographer myself, I find these slice-of-life type shots difficult to pull off sometimes, to capture what is happening, but you've certainly done it! I am especially partial to black and white, simple and elegant.

  3. Anonymous17 June, 2010

    Congrats on your 200 followers, Jilly! Now I'm back on stream, I'm hoping to push up from a lowly 16, though I'm not going to be able to update as efficiently as you, I'm afraid!

  4. And a haircut, by the look of all those split ends!

  5. It's not an easy job! I wonder about her attire...must be hot!
