26 June 2010

R.M.Elegant off Cap Ferrat

Take a quick look at yesterday's post and you'll see this mega yacht, built for charter in 2005, in the top left-hand corner.

RM Elegant is 72 metres (237 feet) long and flies the Greek flag. She has 15 cabins accommodating 30 guests with a crew of 31. For parties the yacht caters for 100 guests at anchor and 150 when berthed. There's a 12-person spa pool, a gym, massage room, a beauty salon, sauna and of course a helipad. She cruises the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. Cost: 455,000 euros a week in high season and a mere 420,000 euros a week in the low season.


  1. a pretty impressive boat -- from what you describe I can only image how fantastic it is on board.


  2. OH - MY - GOSH! HOLY COW! I'm speechless...

  3. A half million dollars??? That must be some ride!

  4. (Thank you for reminding me I am not part of "their club". No wonder the rich have lost sense of the reality. I would be blinded by the wealth too [lol]).
    It is a gorgeous boat.

  5. Well that's amazing. I can hardly believe it!!!

    Jilly, we will SKYPE soon I hope. I am so sorry that we didn't get to talk while I was in Paris. I found myself so busy the time ran out. I will look forward to talking with you via the computer and perhaps we will "see" each other for the first time! What fun.

  6. Hi Jilly, a relly majestic yacht, beautiful pictures

  7. I'm impressed by the life boats. Very cosily enclosed. Saunas included, and a massage table?

  8. Chuckeroon, I'd think at that price you'd have ten dancing girls thrown in too!
