23 July 2010

Tour de France Memories

Can it be a year ago that the Tour de France started in Monaco? It was the best fun and let's hope it comes back to Monaco one day.

Meanwhile, this year's tour couldn't be more exciting with only an 8 second gap between Andy Schleck and Alberto Contador.

This photo was taken at an exhibition of Tour de France paraphernalia held when the tour was in Monaco last year.


  1. This could be the poster for the movie "Les Triplettes de Belleville"!

  2. Love these great old bikes iwth the posters in the background.

  3. Could be fun to organise a race in monaco with these bicycles! And then everybody has to dress in the style of the year 1886.

  4. Missed some of your posts because of my computer issues, but glad I'm back to see this one! Terrific! Please come visit me now at my Santa Fe blog:
    http: mysantafe-kate.blogspot.com/

  5. I bet the lag between these bike would be several minutes! The penny farthing looks a seriously scary bike to ride.

  6. Congratulations to Contador on a race well-run! Last year his battle with Armstrong was fun to watch, this year Andy Schleck gave him a run for his money but couldn't be beat. I won't be too impressed though until he wins a couple more in row to start creepin up on Armstrong's record.
