19 August 2010

Les aoûtiens

Casino Square in August. This famous square is rarely without visitors but in August it's crazy with tourists, cameras, posh cars for people to pose alongside and of course, lots of bling.

In French they are called les aoûtiens. Août being French for August. Those who takes their holidays in July are called les juillettistes.


  1. Jilly

    Lovely setting, I cannot decide whether to be a les aoûtiens. Août les juillettistes. Maybe ,I shall be both and see which is more fun, No...
    As long as the French do not make me eat snalis shhh! , but love chocolate, I just had a cup.

  2. The square looks lovely, but I have to admit to my disappointment in the ladies' lack of good taste in their dress, and, as you mentioned, the ever present bling. I guess my age is showing when I say that I always envision the women of Monaco, residents and tourists, to be as elegant and understated as Princess Grace.

    Maybe I am old-fashioned or was born a bit too late, but I miss those days when we all dressed up a bit more. C'est la vie!

  3. Here, they call them las touristas, or los invasores, the invaders.
