04 December 2010

Princess Caroline, the Nurses and the Party!

Above, the Princess as she was about to leave the party. I'd changed the lens on my camera but stupidly (grrrr) forgotten to change the settings on the camera so it's far too grainy.

In the small photo, you see S.A.S. la Princesse Caroline handing out diplomas to the nurses and in the last photo, lots of goodies to eat along with the champagne on offer at the party.

More tomorrow...


  1. It is still a wonderful portrait, Jilly. You captured her natural and very open expression, and you are right in there close and tight. I'm sorry for your disappointment. . .it has happened to all of us, like fish stories of the "one that got away." But, you got the shot! Woo hoo. Now, let me sneak over to that table :-).

  2. I agree with Kim!:)
    You got a very nice photo of the Princess.

  3. Worry not, Jilly. It looks great as it is - has the feel of a portrait in oils.

  4. I admire her sharpness and I wish she was at the helm... PA2 seems to be such a weak leader...

  5. It always works. Every time I see a photo of her, I am reminded of too many jokes about her. France was not kind to her in the 90es.

  6. Impressive to see photos of HRH Princess Caroline! You didn't sell your photos to Paris Match did you?!

  7. I agree, this is such a fresh and natural shot of her. She reminds me of our Nathalie somehow. :)
