The intention had been to photograph an elephant peeing (it's veritable fountain!) and I duly waited two hours by the elephant enclosure at the circus but no joy...the things we do for Theme Day! These are photos I took last summer with my old camera.
To see how other bloggers around the world have interpreted today's 'fountains' theme please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.
Tomorrow: back to the Circus!
Well isn't he CUTE! :)
Unique fountain...better than a fire eater!!
All that foliage makes it look like a Chia pet. Do they have those in Europe?
I like this.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Bob, I think I have seen those in garden shops at Christmas time.
He makes me smile -:)
super! I love this idea
These look like the type of fountains that we should have in Costa RIca.
I am sorry to learn from your dialogue with Bob above that you have Chia Pets in Europe. I would have hoped that you have more class. I hope that you do not have Chia Pet advertisements on TV. "Ch, ch, ch, chia, ..." If you do have those ads, please don't tell me. I might not come back.
Dave, don't worry. I just saw a cat once in a flower shop and it grew catnip so perhaps I don't know what Chia Pets are! You'll be happy to know.
Oh Jilly I wish you had got the photo of the elephant. Clarence Valley Today's fountain is on a similar idea.
Happy Theme Day
Much better to spew water than fire! You made me laugh on this one. The things we do, indeed. Animals are never cooperative when cameras are present.
I'm sorry you didn't get your original photo, but this fountain is really nice. Quite original with the vines making up part of the fountain!
C' est original, et joli!
and where are the flames?
This would look good in my back garden.
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