For years it stood in front of the Casino. Then it got moved to Fontvieille where it stood outside the police station on a wooden pallet, the birds imprisoned by wire, waiting for a new home.
Now, you'll find it on le rocher in front of the Lycee Albert 1er.
Jilly, I love this fountain!
But I liked it more on its old place in front of the casino where everybody could see it! Here it's a bit hidden...
Barbara from Germany
Yes, it got moved to accommodation Sky Mirror.
I like civic sculpture. It becomes a comforting, familiar part of life as you go about your daily business. i think you also appreciate it better over time than you can do with gallery based scultpure
I like the B+W treatment - almost a three-tone image. Gives it a very graphic feel
It is an interesting sculpture reminds me of Magritte - I am enjoying following your blog - lovely photos but also beacuse I am moving to work in Monaco in August so nice to see images....
I love it! And I hope it's new home is permanent. It must have been sad to see such a lovely work under wires and such.
This picture works well in monochrome, and the woman adds a bit of life to the photograph.
another pretty and a little bit funny sculpture you showed lately. I like it!
Folin ?
Ne s'agit-il pas plutôt de Folon ?
Merci, Regardeuse...J'ai tapé trop vite!
Lovely piece and I especially like the silhouette you included!
Salut Jilly! CONGRATULATIONS on your 4th CDP blog anniversaires! I love, love your blogs and really enjoy visiting them!
Bonjour d'EAGAN
Oh, I love this! Thank you for the link.
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